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Astral Projection (12)

1 Name: Characterless : 2016-06-15 09:52 ID:0inDgTWb (Image: 1200x839 jpg, 90 kb) [Del]

src/1466002331766.jpg: 1200x839, 90 kb
Astral Projection is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it. Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane.

I want to learn more on the subject, has anyone astral projected before? or know how to do it? is it dangerous? is this the first you've heard of it? is this actually juss sleeping that your body confuses for 'projecting'? I would like to hear your thoughts

2 Name: Constanze : 2016-06-15 10:48 ID:V9qac2JA [Del]

could be a trick of the mind. but either way i wouldn't recommend trying to mess around with that stuff

3 Name: Characterless : 2016-06-15 11:06 ID:0inDgTWb [Del]

Any reason I shouldn't? I heard it can be dangerous but I also heard it is a real fun experience.

4 Name: Constanze : 2016-06-15 11:19 ID:V9qac2JA [Del]

normally i'd love to try things like that just to do something different and escape the monotony of life. however, the "spirit world" or however you wanna call it isn't something that should really be messed with. probably you'd stumble across something undesirable. of course i'm not a professional or your mom so i don't have much knowledge and i'm not going to beg you not to do something. just be careful

5 Name: Melo : 2016-06-15 12:00 ID:Oyj+q9jT [Del]

It's more horrible than fun :/ Was there and I'm glad I am back to normal

6 Name: Constanze : 2016-06-15 12:39 ID:5L558xIo [Del]


what was your experience like?

7 Name: Characterless : 2016-06-15 12:42 ID:0inDgTWb [Del]


O: yes please tell! Yeah thats what I heard too, that's why I want to hear opinions from many people. Thank you Constanze c:

8 Name: Melo : 2016-06-15 13:01 ID:Oyj+q9jT [Del]

It's hard to explain. It felt like dreaming, just way more vivid, I also can remember pretty much everything I saw in detail. But for dreams I can't usually remember much and definitely no details.
The first couple times it was like watching through someone elses eyes, just like watching a movie in 3D and with all the other senses, like smell etc. Tho I couldn't really control what I was doing.After a while I managed to leave those "bodies" and float around in the scenes. But these scenes got more and more terrible everytime I saw one, so I tried to make it stop and well, I didn't saw anything like that since than.
I have no clue how I managed to get there, it just happened from one day to another, didn't stop for a couple months and now it is gone. At least I hope it is

9 Name: Enigami : 2016-06-15 16:16 ID:1YdhW3bo [Del]

I've had an OBE before. It only lasted for about 15 seconds, but it was definitely something worth remembering. I just floated there, looking down at my sleeping body. I believe the feeling I felt at the moment is what Aldous Huxley once described as "ego death." Basically, this means you lose all sense of subjective identity, and all inputs come to you in unadulterated form. It's really wild stuff.

10 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-06-15 16:48 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

The most information you'll ever find on the BBS about this is in this thread:

whew, old revivals. It will have something about astral projection, and some extras, like NZPIEFACE wanting to summon a demon.

Those are always amusing...until he actually succeeds.

11 Name: Characterless : 2016-06-16 09:01 ID:nG6cU0qo [Del]


ack! I didn't realize there was another astral projection type thread, I checked. Thank you though!

12 Name: Gaten : 2016-06-17 11:16 ID:RakHSnd0 [Del]

It has something to Do with clear dreaming but on a whole New Level still dont had it yet you should practise to get clear dreams much often before an outer body experience, in the net is much you can read about how