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Please, anyone, help. (7)

1 Name: Red : 2016-06-06 00:24 ID:IfZGqrW0 [Del]

Me and my best friend (we'll call her A) have a very close friend(we'll call him C). C is suicidal. C has neglectful and emotionally abusive parents who make fun of him for being suicidal. They're awful. A has seen his parents say mean stuff to C over skype, and I've only heard the stories of what goes down. Well, C got grounded for attempting suicide. Yes, grounded. That's already fucked up.

Okay so two days ago A told me that C wasn't answering his home phone or anything, so she was worried. She called the suicide hotline but they did nothing. I called the police and they did a well being check. Everything seemed fine until today. A called me at 12 am crying because C was taken to a hospital because the state sided with his parents that he's just an emo suicidal teen. C is so much more than that. C will go crazy if he gets locked up in one of those foam rooms for 6 months. I just don't understand how C deserves this in any way. He said there is nothing we can do at this point. All he wanted was help. Please, anyone, tell me what me, A, and our parents can do to give C a better life and not one that's spent in a foam room. Please, there must be a way.

2 Name: Raiken : 2016-06-06 01:57 ID:GZv7cByo [Del]

Let C live by a and make legal proccedings vs his(C) parents, its not normal and He ( C) deserves better treatment then that He just a human Like we are. Btw humanity is already fucked up but this is over the top even for My experience. Parents should never Do that and others also

3 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-06 02:06 ID:BZSNmbcu [Del]

those foam room aren't the first place they put a patient, if he was taken to a hospital, its a good thing, that meansthe hospital will evaluate him.
more often then not staff finds the parents at fault for their childs mental state, and request legal action from court. now if that is true, he may be moved to a different part of town, into foster care.
through-out all of this his friends need to be present, your companionship can help take some of the stress off his mind, make him smile and laugh,
he wants help? give it to him, but let the hospitals do it too, especially since his mental state is up in the air
if your parents so wish, they can request "C" be put into their care if "C's" parents are declared unfit, they'll have to be able to prove they can handle another child.

be positive during uncertain times, things may very well work out for the best.

4 Name: Red : 2016-06-06 18:12 ID:IfZGqrW0 [Del]

Thank you guys.

5 Name: Dusk46 !r4sBRY1xYc : 2016-06-07 09:53 ID:GIpuRE/s [Del]

hey Red, if you need to talk, or vent, or ask any questions, dont hesitate to email me at

6 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-06-07 23:14 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

you should go visit c every so often if you can and just spend time with them. if you ever wana talk about it more, feel free to email me at and i'll be happy to listen

7 Name: Red : 2016-06-09 20:27 ID:y/x0huOu [Del]

Thank you all so much. I would like to mention that C is doing a lot better and he is in therapy now.