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Curious question for those with siblings they're in contact with (3)

1 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-06-02 19:29 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

I've got 2 sisters and 1 brother, all older than me.

I'm closest to the sister who's older right after me and I reckon that's natural. By the time I came around or actually remembering things, both my oldest sister and older brother were already married. They get on my nerves sometimes and there's this generational gap between us.

They were brought up in the pretty edgy and 'arrogant' times. They also know about our parents in their younger days.

But anyway question is, in order to keep good sibling relationships, filled with some sort of love...

Is it better to live physically close and see each other once every few days/ once a week? Or is it better to live far apart and see each other once every 2 months or so? Be legit here, if you ever really think about you and your siblings.

Because if someone has a cold (family problem), that person wouldn't still go around doing exercise and go out in harsh weather thinking their cold will get better. You would stay in bed, just resting until the cold goes away (your family scars heal).

Everyone's on my back about wanting to live separately from my siblings. But hey as the last one to enter this family, there are some things I see that you can't and vice versa.

An old Japanese lesson: A stranger can see in a brighter light.

2 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-06-02 20:31 ID:cmvHf+FE [Del]

Well, it seems like there's a huge age gap between you and your siblings. So that's a little tricky.

let's see... I have four sisters and three brothers, so there are 8 of us. I don't know my three oldest sisters at all 'cause my dad didn't raise them. I met one of them once and It felt like we were total strangers, so I have never seen or talked to any of them again. The other five of us are closer in age and were all raised together. I am closer to my immediate older brother, but not as much to my oldest brother nor to my younger brother or sister. Umm, considering such an age gap like it seems in your family, I believe that if I were the older sibling I would be living closer to wherever my job is and I would be paying more attention to my own wife and kids if I had any, but I would visit my younger sibling too when I'd feel like I have the chance to. Well, that's all I have to say....

3 Name: Annarasumanara : 2016-06-02 21:46 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

Maybe split the visiting time down the middle and try to see them once a month. They probably have less free time now so you can't see them frequently.