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Does it All Even Matter? (5)

1 Name: Blahbidyblah : 2016-06-01 20:36 ID:mA4k8fGG [Del]

Hi, so I'll get right into it. For a long time now I have had this problem where no matter what I do, I keep on thinking that none of it will be worth it in the end, for example, doing good in school so I can get a good job and impress people. In the end all my thoughts get cut off with "What's the point? All my life is leading up to is death, everything is meaningless once you sum it all up."
Whenever I hear someone mention death and how everyone dies, it brings back the same wave of dread and depression when I think about trying. As another example, I love to make art, and i think to myself at first that I want to get better and improve. But then I think, what's the use and lose all motivation. I want to think positively again. I don't want to feel what pain I bring upon myself anymore. Please help me find a way around this depression, I don 't know what to do anymore. I have tried distracting myself by getting more into my hobbies etc. but of course it just ends in me thinking about why I even try. please, if you can relate to this or can help me, please do. Thank you.

2 Name: Densar : 2016-06-01 20:48 ID:LxKsO1fW [Del]

well first dont give up if u give up on ur life ur giving up on u just keep trying to find why you were made to do try and find that one thing that will make your life worth living for hope this helps

3 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-06-01 21:57 ID:Hrl+TddD [Del]

Only matters as much as you think it does.

4 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-06-01 23:45 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

First off, don't start looking for love to help you 'fill a void' as some might start to do. Find a problem, in others, in your family, friends, your community, etc. Build yourself around that. Become something that'd be useful for others, at this point we're not thinking about ourselves.

^To people well off emotionally, it sounds like a bad idea. I can already hear people say 'no he has to do something for himself'. It never starts off that way. You're being lazy when it comes to yourself. When you start working for others, your empty feelings will be shaken, and it'll start to have the desire to be filled.

At that point, you'll be selfish, want to do things, good things and bad things, just finally start doing something in life and getting hurt.

Then here comes the roller coaster of emotions, have fun.

5 Name: toforeversigh : 2016-06-02 05:13 ID:hT5iDcXH [Del]

We are all heading to a destination but we don't know where that is. It's a test of confusion and knowledge, where we have to figure out what we're meant to do. But what if we don't actually control where we go, or find out it works in a completely different way than we would expect? We still have things we can do in our lives, but we just don't know which ones matter if any of them do. What might have some kind of purpose that we would never be able to understand here? What helps us continue to grow and progress in ways we can't see?

There are many things we don't know but you just assume that none of them matter. There are many things we do see that aren't actually there. You look like you've given up but if you really do want something out of this world, or wish to find even the tiniest of proof that there's something after this life we live, then you will have to completely change your way of looking at the world. This world works in strange ways, and has many hidden secrets to it, or at least in my way of looking at it.

But in the end I probably don't have the kind of answer you are looking for. If you don't get what I'm saying, or don't care then feel free to just ignore this reply.
I only posted this because I feel like you might be someone who can grasp how significant or insignificant factors can be. What I'm saying isn't a solution, but a different path to take so don't expect anything simple or straight forward out of it.

But with that I will take my leave. Best of luck finding the answer you are looking for.