Dollars BBS | Personal
















Friend and Youtube (1)

1 Name: womp : 2016-05-31 18:17 ID:V+KA++mk [Del]

This is probably really minor, but it still took it's toll on me. So, let me get some background. Me and my friend do YouTube videos for fun they aren't like face videos where we do stupid shit, but they are about the same things. I have a llow subscriber count because i am fairly new. After a while, I convinced my friend to make a channel too and she did. We made videos on our channels, Let's call her "new" channel channel 1. SO she uploaded on channel 1 with things like, welcome to my channel, i hope i am accepted into the communty and such. long story short, I commented on one of her ideos with a casual joke and someone replied. They had a different name, let's just call then Channel 2. Channel 2 replied to me like they were channel 1, and I immediately had an idea of what was oging on, maybe this was her downtime account where she didn't upload. Wrong. This channel had 100 videos over 3,000 subs and worst of all, the name for a channel that we had come up with as kids and planned to do together but never got around to. And yes, I made sure it was her by her voice in the videos, the objects she used that I recognized and more. The channel is over a year old.
Now, I am here because I for some reason feel very hurt because of this discovery. I think it may be because she kept it from me for a year, used my original name, and never told me about it, basically leading me on in some ways.
Can someone tell me how to resolve these feelings and this situation? Should i approach her about it?
I don't know why I feel such dread over this whole thing either.