Dollars BBS | Personal
















Alone (8)

1 Name: ECHO : 2016-05-25 14:55 ID:DQ92ynz1 [Del]

How do I get rid of this lonely feeling when I really have no one to talk to? All my friends like gaming and things that I'm not interested in. I tried to fit in with them but soon started to feel like an outsider and guilty for pretending. We're still friends but we don't really have anything to talk about so we try our best. But even if i still have them i feel so alone, my parents are never home and all my sister does does is make out with her boyfriend in her room while i do all the house work (which i don't mind i just wish some one would thank me for it) When i run out house work to do all i can usually do is sit in my room all day. I feel like I'm going insane. The only one who understands me and truly loves me seems to no longer be enough. reading books helps but i usually end up breaking and crying, i pretend to have conversations with the clocks in my room and try to lie to myself and make myself believe i feel fine. I can't say anything because both my parents are very ill yet try their best to work and give us the best life they can- so i should do the same. I honestly don't even wish for love anymore, i just want to know how to live without it.

I'm sorry for this post, I know there are people here who have actual problems but i just needed to get it off my chest. Thank you. :)

2 Name: Victus : 2016-05-25 15:09 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

From my perspective, loneliness is a very serious topic and something I'd like to help you with. If you want to talk about it more please feel free to email me at and I'll be here to help when you need it.

3 Name: L : 2016-05-25 19:16 ID:SkTzAvox [Del]

So, I actually tend to feel the same sometimes. I feel like I can't really connect to my friends anymore, and that they all do things I'm not really into. Also, summer holiday just started for me, so I'm going to be approached with this issue a lot more often now that I don't have school to distract me. I guess I'll just leave an email here and you can do with it whatever: (long story). I like to read also, so maybe we have some books in common. ^_^

4 Name: Tree !N13m0ewMrQ : 2016-05-25 21:21 ID:Iq1Bbahs [Del]

I feel like I can relate somehow. I know plenty of people, but I'm not attached to any of them. I want to call them "friends" but I honestly feel like if they were gone, I wouldn't feel anything. Nothing at all. Maybe It's because I, myself am not a good friend and come off as antisocial. I don't play videogames anymore except one, but only like once a month. I spend my time reading manga and watching anime and I feel fine. I enjoy it. But then I also realize that I'm alone. Not necessarilly Physically, but emotionally, mentally. I tend to be honest in real life, but I come off as gullible, easy to take advantage of. I'm the listening ear for like my whole family (atleast I think I am), but for the most part there isn't anyone lending an ear to me. Or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I don't have any big issues. Atleast I don't feel like I do. I feel like it's just part of life. I have tried doing more research on the subject, because for some reason (morbid curiosity probably), I like looking up things about living with mental disorders or other dysabilities, like: depression, dysthymia, bipolar, anxiety, indifferentness, epilepsy, loneliness, and the list goes on.

Since you said you like like reading, why not take this myer's brigg personality test: It might help explain why one reacts the way they do, the quiz is short but the information is quite a long read (I got INTP-T). There is this kind of information given for every personality type and how they tend to fare in life:
1. Introduction
2. Strengths & Weaknesses
3. Romantic Relationships
4. Friendships
5. Parenthood
6. Career Paths
7. Workplace Habits
8. Conclusion

5 Name: im not emo : 2016-05-25 21:49 ID:pdbYmdly [Del]

honestly i kind of understand the way you feel. i know what its like to be lonely and stuff. i also do have my issues that arent SUPER important, well... its really just one problem and its over a freaking girl and im only in the 7th grade, but if you ever want to talk you can just send me a skype contact request if you want to talk. im usually online about 90% of the time.

if you do want to talk, just add me "imma kms over adah" (yes the name is stupid its more a joke) the picture is a cat, and just tell me if you wanna talk :D
shit i repeated myself way too much

6 Name: Seaweed : 2016-05-28 19:46 ID:BBnVDCpF [Del]

Hey there, im porb very late to this thread but all the same, i have been in a very similar boat but i choose to keep going with the lying to me self part and ill tell ya what. after a 3 years of lieing and trying to fake who you are (pretending to be appy, that its alright is what im calling being fake to who one is), youll end up not trusting anyone due to the lies youll tell your self, youll loose the friends you have and any you gain will be short term. so please for the love of all thats sacred to us all please, please dont keep lieing your you self and tring to convince your self that its all good. let your self have he break downs and all that. itll hurt when its happening but after words youll be better off for it. oh and id look into DnD3.5 or pathfinder for a game you and your buddies could all get down on. thye is book heavy games that requires one person who likes reading to run that game. sounds like you might fit that bill lol. if you want ill send ya the pathfinder pdfs just hit me up at

7 Name: Faye : 2016-05-28 22:40 ID:PWgPKo7P [Del]

i feel the same way tbh, i mean i like going out and being around people but most of the time i kinda feel left out, as if there were no one that i really cared about. it just seems like i cant form any real bonds w anyone...idk i guess i just wanna belong (hope it makes sense, english is not my first language)

8 Name: Error_531 : 2016-05-28 22:47 ID:wjvjs30D [Del]

I know how you feel, it's really hard but you just have to get through it hope you are okay and you will always have friends here