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I hate everyone and feel guily for it (9)

1 Name: Annarasumanara : 2016-05-24 22:26 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

I hold an intense dislike for people. I even find my friends disappointing. No, this is not a classic case of narcissism, prepubescent melodrama, etc.; I just do not feel attached to anyone. People have just caused me so much stress that I just throw up before I go to school everyday.

I do not wish to bore anyone with specific instances, but here they are if you so desire- having my group except for me not do any work and get us an F on a 100 point project, talking to overly sensitive people, and dealing with my friends' pettiness.

I don't understand! Why all this drama when everything can be solved with a little communication and patience?! WHY?! I should feel bad for not getting along with anyone- and I usually do- but people get so upset over inconsequential, everyday things (irony right here), it's just infuriating.


I don't know. This isn't even a question. What are your thoughts?

2 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-05-25 03:05 ID:OJ7Lqvr8 [Del]


3 Name: Mioramoe : 2016-05-25 03:10 ID:iBcDJles [Del]

my only advice is to be direct about things. if thats your personality and what youre feeling, dont try to push it away. confront people on certain things. tell people theyre annoying you and why. if theyre your friends they should recognize that what theyre doing is making you uncomfortable, and most likely with good reason. im only hearing from your perspective, but it took me a long time to learn how to assert my opinion without stepping on peoples toes, but its really helped me take a better grasp on my life and how people interact with and affect me.

4 Name: Bin-Laden : 2016-05-25 17:36 ID:uy8Fgt7L [Del]

What you feel is hatred for the infidels , The guilt you feel is at not being able to purge them. You can solve this issue by going to the nearest learning facility and become one with Allah, purging as many infidels as possible. Only then will peace(and 72 virgin wives) come to you

5 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-25 18:00 ID:hpF6fmYw [Del]

>>4 Ignore him, he's just a troll.
>>1 What you are describing is high school in a nutshell. Everybody sucks in high school, and it's not something you need to feel guilty about. Everything is always the "Worst thing to ever happen to me!", everyone is always "The biggest bitch on the planet!" Everybody in high school over dramatizes everything; I'm sure that you and even myself do it once in a while. When people disrespect you, it's natural to be angry. When friends are being petty, or people are being melodramatic, it's normal to be annoyed with them. However, I think that you need to draw a line between people with problems and people being dramatic; they have problems too, and they might get a little over dramatic, but they could also be really hurt by what happened to them.

6 Name: Addrian !giXLO6kR.E : 2016-05-25 18:26 ID:6Ne3GtRt [Del]

I feel the same way tbh :/ Just not on as much as you. I look around me at school and my ego tells me "You are surrounded my primates. You are the only superior being in this building", which I fucking hate because I know that everyone is a genius in their own way. I overheard people complaining about what seems like a mountain to pain and suffering to them but in all actuality is just a lump in the ground. But hey, just know that you have to be patient with other people. Everyone has their own conflict in life, and sooner or later those turds will look back at their life and say "Wow, I was whiny-ass bitch back then, what the hell was I talking about?". And try to be honest about this with your friends (in a gentle way though, dont just go up to them and say "you whine too much, you're so annoying" XD). Those who hate you for you telling the truth can be kindly escorted out of your life.

7 Name: Annarasumanara : 2016-05-31 22:09 ID:9IH1f1Zv [Del]

Thank you to everyone that replied. I realize now that I just am a logical person who has trouble sympathizing with others. I tend to offer alternate solutions rather than emotional support and get frustrated when my possible solutions are overlooked.

8 Name: Mirror : 2016-06-01 11:31 ID:MhYc7ZDw [Del]

I actually feel the same as you although I hate myself more than them (one reason is because I hate everyone including me, another is because I know what their and my flaws are yet I don't do anything about it)

9 Name: Raiken : 2016-06-01 15:36 ID:Z1VgJwfL [Del]

Same es mirror except i dont hate myself, symphatie or Empathie is a Hard spectrum for me and that Tends to go to the outcast being in class which i already am but yea dont care just be yourself and. Minded people are Rare good that some of them seems to be here