Dollars BBS | Personal
















Looking for light (9)

1 Name: Gears : 2016-05-24 20:37 ID:ZSQF/I44 [Del]

My mother was diagnosed with cancer and has to go in for surgery im scared because the doctor told us it had a high mortality rate im looking for people who will talk to me and act as friends and or support for me please email me at if you wouldnt mind being one of these friends the dollars thus far have been the closest thing to family ive had so please continue to offer support and compassion.

2 Name: Tarquin : 2016-05-25 07:12 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

I sent you an email regarding this, I hope I can help in some way.

3 Name: Bin-Laden : 2016-05-25 17:28 ID:uy8Fgt7L [Del]

Commit jihad.

4 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-25 17:43 ID:hpF6fmYw [Del]

>>3 Are you kidding me!? This person has a serious problem, and you have the audacity to be a dick like that? If you aren't going to help, and you're just going to troll, find another board. Personal is a place for problems, you ignorant fuck.

>>1 OP, I think that the best thing that you can do is hope that your mother can make it. I know what it's like to have a family member with cancer; my entire family tree is plagued with it. My one grandmother went into a surgery that was extremely high risk, 1/10 chance of surviving, and she was able to do it. The most that we can do for your mother is hope that she can pull through, and I will be here if you need someone to talk to. I'm always stalking the boards, so if you leave a reply, I'll probably see it.

5 Name: Reisuke-kun : 2016-05-26 09:08 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

>>4 Do you even know what Jihad is
Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد‎‎ jihād [dʒiˈhæːd]) is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning the act of "striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering"

6 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-26 11:04 ID:OfxNsh3L [Del]

>>5 I know, but he's been trolling the site about terrorism, I figured he did not mean it in that way, or that he did not know what it meant. I didn't know what it meant until you said it, but I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. Look at his posts on other boards, and you'll see why I'm skeptical.

7 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-26 11:07 ID:OfxNsh3L [Del]

His handle is Bin-Laden, for christ's sake!

8 Name: Reisuke-kun : 2016-05-26 11:08 ID:Fo5Y77qz [Del]

>>6 Ok I didn't know they was trolling other boards and stuff and ya I did see their name

9 Name: Virika : 2016-05-27 20:55 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

Hey there Gears. Firstly, it's okay to be scared about this. You and your family are going through something major and life changing. Try to support your mom the best you can, but don't forget to look for support for yourself too. I think its a good idea for you to turn to us for that support, but i also suggest you try to talk to someone you are close with irl; it can help a lot. I sent you an email in case you need someone to talk to. I wish your mom the best, and hope her surgery goes well.