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Sadness, as always. (3)

1 Name: C : 2016-05-22 12:49 ID:iT7i/cGP [Del]

So, I've been sad for a while now. And everything - no euphemism, everything - makes it worse. My cat died last week, the girl I love lives far away and I feel alone and isolated living in a room that can barely hold a bed. It's not like I don't know that there are a lot of people worse than me, but I just feel sad all the time, and I can't eat or take care of my body because of that. Every meal I get nauseous and I have to stop halfway. Now, I'm starting to feel somewhat jealous about the girl - as one would expect from a long distance relationship - and I can't feel any joy from anything I do. I can't stop thinking about suicide, but it's something I never ever want to even think about doing. But it's getting closer, and I'm really afraid.

2 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-22 14:59 ID:/AqMeNv5 [Del]

I'm not really sure what kind of advice to give you, except for maybe taking anti-depressants. If that is not a viable option, there is this website called 7 Cups of Tea that is dedicated to helping other people with their problems. Here is a link:

I think that there was a thread on here about it. I'll bump it if I see it.

3 Name: Tarquin : 2016-05-24 09:23 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

This is completely normal in depression. Not being able to feel happiness and losing so much in a short period of time is something that you, I, and thousands of others on this site have gone through. I understand the feeling of wanting to give up but the best way to fight depression and become happier is to find happiness. Now it may take some motivation to do and awhile to find something that makes you happy, but that's perfectly normal. I've been fighting depression for pretty damn long and I'll tell you that things will get better with time but not everything will fully heal and that's okay. If you have any very close friends who you trust then I recommend you try talking to them about this or try doing things with them more often if you can. The last place you want to be going through this is in an empty room doing nothing.

Lastly, you mentioned suicide. The truth is (and this helped me so I hope it helps you) that if you kill yourself due to depression and because you can't find happiness, then killing yourself is ensuring you won't find it. If you get to the point of giving up, then you can't find the happiness you want anymore, death doesn't change that.

I realize this is becoming a wall of text so if you have any questions then please ask.