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Should I Skip My Last Year of High School? (6)

1 Name: Sperare : 2016-05-17 22:31 ID:bS3Dgo+n [Del]

So recently, I got accepted into a talent search program that gives you the chance to skip your senior year of high school in exchange of two years of college where you don't need to pay for tuition or college books. I want to stay my senior year, but the no tuition part would really help me in the long run. One of my friends told me that staying for my senior year would help me mature better and give me some of the best moments of my life such as prom and having high school graduation. My other friend said that the friends that I make in high school won't matter when I grow older and going to college a year earlier gives me an advantage. My parents want me to skip senior year so that I won't have to pay as much but my sibling says that high school is the best years of your life. Should I skip my senior year or should I stay?

2 Name: Soratsuki : 2016-05-17 22:39 ID:di+5N7Eu [Del]

I would say go with what you think is best, but I can see that THAT is the real problem here. Your other friend was right about how your high school friends wont matter. No matter how cold that may sound, it hold some degree of truth to it, depends on the person viewing it. There are some sacrifices you have to make either way.
If I were you, I would chose to not burden my parents. College is EXPENSIVE and we all should be more aware of that. You have an opportunity, you were selected for it, too. Not everyone was approached and been asked to attend their course and skipping your senior year in the process. It mean you have what it takes, so I would take the chance. You can always keep contact with your high school friends. If they decided to ignore you and or curse you for leaving them for some 'stupid opportunity' or anything along that line. Then they are just selfish people. With these kind of people, I am certain that if you stay with them, and once graduated, they wont even give you a second glance.
hope this help, maybe I accidently made it worse. Sorry if I made things more complicated

3 Name: Xeon !XeonHLOACY : 2016-05-18 01:15 ID:3YGV5UPo [Del]

In the long run starting college earlier is in fact could always make friends anytime anywhere and have a good time later in your life,if the only perks for senior year is making friends then i'd rather go with going to college you can still make friends there and make it easier on your parents

4 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-05-18 04:29 ID:J604kWAr [Del]

I'm calling bullshit on that best years of your life.
Bullying, no date for prom, public humiliation, etc.
How's that enjoyable?

5 Name: Gaten : 2016-05-18 08:21 ID:Bt9FdFlO [Del]

It isnt its just pure competiton if your Fall out just a Bit from the roster then You will be pissed i swear, its just get through on your own with good Grades.

6 Name: Xeon !XeonHLOACY : 2016-05-19 07:16 ID:8kCHW8ao [Del]

>>4 sounds like you experienced quite some stuff,but it is true if you're not sociable enough or look like certain people that tend to be bullied