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I need advice (4)

1 Name: @/() : 2016-05-15 04:33 ID:YAdNPPG0 [Del]

I'm a little sus about my neighbours. Tonight they were out in the street (This is at around 6:30 so it was already dark) and the woman was crying and standing in the middle of the road. They were obviously having a fight and soon after we stopped in front of the woman he left her and went back to their house.

We asked her if everything was ok and if she needed help, she said everything was fine and when I pressed her and offered for her to come back to our house she again said everything was fine and then went home.

The issue is that I think she might be getting abused. My mother said she'd heard the woman screaming in pain before but she'd never called the cops on them. She said she would tonight if she heard anything but I'm really worried that it'll be too late soon.

I don't absolutely know that she's getting abused but I think she might be and very rarely am I wrong when I have such a feeling. However, I have no way to prove it either. I can only wait for an opportunity to present itself for me to do something about her situation.

I don't even know my neighbours that well but.. If you thought someone was being abused but had no proof, how would you help the person in question?

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-05-15 05:19 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

It's up to you how directly you want to handle this. There's always the qualm of getting in other peoples business, so I guess it depends how urgent you feel it is.

3 Name: Azarel : 2016-05-15 11:35 ID:lHHCUY9S [Del]

I think you should ask her directly. As long as you don't put your own life in danger

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-05-16 22:14 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

Continue to ask her if everything is ok and offer up help if and when needed. Also, try to raise awareness about this.