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Trouble in Paradise (2)

1 Name: ririkun : 2016-05-12 19:00 ID:1yGCE8cH [Del]

I don't know if there's a thread on love problems so I'll just post this here.

I'm in a relationship, but it's mostly lies. I always had trouble distinguishing actual feelings versus if the feelings were just for thinking the guy is like a brother. I hooked up with one of the guys that I thought would be the better choice. Ever since I've hooked up with the guy, it's been pretty nice but I don't feel anything particularly special. I no longer have feelings for the other guy but neither do I have any for the guy I'm currently dating. It also doesn't help that all we do nowadays is act like we did before we got together instead of like a couple. I want to break up with him but also not, if you can understand what I'm trying to convey.

He's a really nice guy but he also doesn't really make my heart go *boom* I also have emotional issues where it's like if I'm not in a relationship then I'll feel really depressed. I probably shouldn't drag out this relationship any further. He's also said to me that if one of us is ever unhappy then we will have a mutual breakup. I don't like to stay single too long but I also don't want to lead him around. I should probably be having this conversation with him and yet here I am putting this in a thread. So yea, what do you guys think?

2 Name: Staz250 (on kik) : 2016-05-12 21:35 ID:fz9Kn46X [Del]

well, I thing you should just be honest with him. Most guys like myself dont like ppl that sugar coat things. tell him that you are truly sorry but you dont see anything in him. tell him tht he is a great guy and he should find someone more like him or "better".