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The girls at school(Yay) (5)

1 Name: Momochi : 2016-05-11 11:14 ID:oWPGbeQP [Del]

Hello guys~!I haven't made a thread in a while so I figured I'd make one about these...'girls'.I call them girls but Im sure they're not even human.I think they're demons from a different dimension.Im a girl who doesn't play at all.If your acting stupid,Imma point you out.I'll get my ass beaten to a pulp with pride.They're are these girls in my class who constantly harp on my friend.It's happening as I write this.Anyway,I figured I'd ask you guys how to deal with this type of thing.One girl Ill call J,is a total ass.She threatens to beat people up and never does.I find her annoying as hell.The other girl that ill call D is a bit nicer.Shes only mean if you're mean to her and she's actually kind of friendly.I don't have a problem with her unless she has one with me.What do I do?Should I cut my losses and beat the living daylights out of her?Or should I be poliet?

2 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-05-11 11:17 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

You can leave D alone.

It's good to throw your pride away at these times. You can verbally bash J but not physically. But you gotta know it'll hurt if you fall.

3 Name: Michael : 2016-05-11 14:08 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

I tell you what to do.Beat her up,gash her open.Beat her till she won't be hot shit anymore.If she is is hot shit show her she's not.Treat her like a ragdoll.Ravage her mentally and phisically.

4 Name: Exter : 2016-05-11 14:45 ID:KlLYo2oO [Del]

Second reply right now... my first one bugged away... ^^"

I deal with people like that all the time around here... You should just make J look stupid in front of everyone as soon as she acts idiotic again. Just be smarter than her, and maybe a bit provocative. Once no one can take her attempts to threaten people serious anymore, you and everyone else should be fine. Plus, it's a hell lotta fun messing with these kinds of people xD

About D, just be nice to her. She just sounds like me to be honest...xD dont Do her a wrong, she won't do you one either ^^

5 Name: Virika : 2016-05-11 15:36 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

hi there. my first piece of advice would be not to resort to violence unless you or your friend is being physically threatened- and even then, only do so in self defense. however, just because i don't condone violence doesn't mean i think you shouldn't do anything. if someone is bullying your friend, stand up for them, but don't just defend them by being rude or physically violent to J. use logic, and argue with her in a way that makes it seem like you're being reasonable, and that she's acting immature and plain shitty (which she is). like Exter said, be smarter than her. i'm sure that the reasons she's being rude to your friend are silly and obnoxious, so point that out and tell her to stop. if that doesn't work, try to ignore her unless it's heavily affecting you and your friend. in that case, i'd say to tell someone about it, like a school counselor or parent. D doesn't seem so bad to me, unless she's following J. in that case, try to talk to D in private, as she seems more reasonable, and like you said, friendlier. don't beat the shit out of anyone. that won't solve problems, only create more.