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College (4)

1 Name: Unknown : 2016-05-10 15:25 ID:lHLjkbbq [Del]

I'm about to move to Knoxville TN for college... I don't know anyone there. Nobody from my high school is going there, and theres nobody I already know up there. It's kinda freaking me out. Is there any way to get over this? Will it suck badly? Or is this a chance for new beginnings?

2 Name: Leo : 2016-05-10 16:00 ID:wLB2Ht4F [Del]

Although I'm not yet going to college, I have moved to several different schools before. I like to look at it as a 'chance for new beginning' like you had said. The reason is because it's good thing if nobody knows who you are if you want to start over. No one knows the things you've done, the person you once were, or even about embarrassing things that have happened. As long as you don't stray away from who you are (unless that's what you want), you can let yourself live a completely new life and not worry about the past. That is what I like about moving to new areas. It does allow for new beginnings, so make the most of them. That is just my personal opinion, but I hoped it helped.

3 Name: Virika : 2016-05-10 17:34 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

It's completely understandable to be a bit freaked out about going to a new place without knowing anyone. most of us would be; but, you are absolutely right in that this is a great opportunity for new beginnings. although I haven't been to college yet, it has been my experience with scary events that nerves are hard to get rid of until you're there-- but once you are, it's a blast. the fact that it's your first year of college will help too. everyone in your year will be new and nervous just like you, probably having the same hopes and fears as you do. just do your best to introduce yourself to people and make friends. because you don't know anyone, you can start fresh, and project yourself however you want to. you don't have to hold back like you might around family members or certain friends, and you don't have to worry about the past. you will do great and make new friends. I wish you well for your first year of college!

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-05-10 20:09 ID:ySLaPoCj [Del]

It's always crazy going through a new place, but give it some time. I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually