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ideas on what to write (7)

1 Name: Uroso : 2016-05-10 09:56 ID:gyvoj+F/ [Del]

I'm trying to write a novel do you have any ideas on settings and stuff?

2 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-05-10 10:22 ID:XZpvf3GD [Del]

This might get a better audience in Literature, but try to add a little more detail on what you are looking for exactly before you repost it, people get pissed off about vague, onelined threads. (what genre do you write in, any premise for the story that you have already thought of, etc.) Good luck!


3 Name: Virika : 2016-05-10 16:50 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

A lot of times your setting depends heavily on your plot line (ex. if your story is a dystopia, it will probably be set in a futuristic city). If you have a settled plot, i'd suggest thinking about it from a practical viewpoint and seeing what you think would fit the story type/characters best. If you don't have a set plot line, then try looking up "prompts for writers block." These prompts give a one sentence starter, and are often really helpful in getting the writing process started. I find that by using just their first sentence, i'm able to continue on my own tangent until I have my own setting. I hope this helped :)

4 Name: Uroso : 2016-05-11 04:42 ID:NxSF3uIZ [Del]

thanks for the help

5 Name: Speaking Sister : 2016-05-11 16:45 ID:0inDgTWb [Del]

I can give you a complete bullshit troll response about my vagina or my love for fat men. But you obviously need help so I'll be serious. Write about how sexy I am, seriously. My life is a real good story no lie, you can write about my love for the overweight or how my vagina yearns to be penetrated by fat meat. Honestly this is simply a suggestion maybe I can be a background character; my email is

6 Name: Staz250 (on kik) : 2016-05-12 21:38 ID:fz9Kn46X [Del]

I think u should write a space / scifi fiction

7 Post deleted by user.