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De Ja Vu? (6)

1 Name: Tonks : 2016-05-08 01:54 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

This is not really much of a problem, but I'm a bit curious as to what this could be.

I know that we all have that de ja vu moment, and I'm not one to believe in "seeing the future" bull (as, really, this is not about that kind of thing, but still closely related), but I'm having this recurring since of familiarity with certain things I'm seeing daily.

For example, I would be sitting in class and as I glance over, I'd see someone do a certain action that I suddenly remember seeing before. Like I'd "see/remember" this person wearing the same shirt and doing the same thing. The way I'd "remember" this is almost in a dream-like way, similar to one of trying to remember something unclear to you and hazy. Some might just think it's because I see this repetitively and I'd just automatically recall the situation by some type of habit, but it's not like that. Sometime's I'd be doing something out of the norm, for the first time (paddle boarding, grad bash, etc), and I'd look up at something and feel that it's familiar and I have seen something that has "happened before".

I don't believe in some spiritual-life explanation, but since I have no answers, I can't help but look to it a little (but I really don't want to). Is there some psychological explanation? Anyone else experiencing this?

I don't know if this is even really important to know, but I'm also somewhat forgetful. I tend to zone out a bit (as all tired people do).

2 Name: Tonks : 2016-05-08 02:04 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

I just thought of this but could it be my way of engraving things into memorization? It's weird to think this way since most of these things are irrelevant, and I'd still forget after whenever this episode occurs, but maybe it's the self conscience?

Anyone willing to try to explain the psychology behind it, I'm open to it. I'm really curious.

P.S. excuse grammar errors (I'm looking back on it now lol)

3 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-05-08 04:03 ID:dULrV3q/ [Del]

Maybe your brain links it to something you've seen before?

Cause you know, you've actually seen them do it before?

Deja vu is nothing special.

4 Name: Microcosmal : 2016-05-08 08:06 ID:ckMl6Gg7 [Del]

Just your brain thinking you've seen something before but it's actually just bullshit. The psychological reason is a bother to explain but just know that if you think something has happened before, it's only a feeling.

Here's one of the easier explanations.
Some of the things that happen in your dreams are stored in your subconscious memory. Sometimes, de ja vu occurs because an event has occurred which you may have already experienced in a dream but only your subconscious remembers. That vague memory is what causes the feeling that something has happened before but in reality it was only in a dream and you don't it was on a dream.

5 Name: Tonks : 2016-05-08 12:02 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

Yeah, I knew it's nothing special, de ja vu is common. I just find myself recalling shit more often than before :L I was just curious why the frequency. It's stupid, but I feel that it might be my way of coping to remember crap because my memory isn't the greatest as years go on (and I know that the mind doesn't really "forget" but still).

Thanks for the perspective guys lol

6 Name: Keiko : 2016-05-08 23:29 ID:jxaAV8Dj [Del]

I had this really wierd thing going on with me. I will have a dream then months later some of it will happen and I get this wierd de ja vu feeling and I was wondering if it was just me. If you have the same experience or questions email me at