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Hard life (14)

1 Name: Michael : 2016-05-04 13:53 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

Since I was just a little boy I had a hard life.Everything started in the hospital.I was locked in my room and I was forced to go out on the window,then at kindergarten my classmates were laughing of me cause my arm cast was dragging me down,then in middle school they were laughing of me due my handicap a malformated hand.The final is the highschool I've been made fun of cause I listen to rock,I was called satanist,I was called weak and so on.This make me trust no one only my family.I hate people and the society for putting me down for no reason.

2 Name: W. : 2016-05-04 16:49 ID:OyzWGz/s [Del]

Well, the world is full of prejudice and stupidity, you have confirmed it on your own skin the hard way, so now you should know the society won't get any nicer.

3 Name: Nothing : 2016-05-04 17:52 ID:vlpVYXLA [Del]

Don't think about society. Or what others people think about you. The world it's rotten .If you hate it change it.

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-05-05 20:27 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

Don't listen to negative opinions. That's just a bunch of garbage. I think it's cool that you listen to rock.

5 Name: Leo : 2016-05-07 10:02 ID:wLB2Ht4F [Del]

Don't let other people get you down like that. It's their goal to make you feel bad, so don't let them achieve that goal. You do you, be yourself, and don't pay any mind to the opinions of others.
A long time ago, I decided to stop caring about what others think of me and it really helped. The amount of freedom I have to be myself now is amazing!
And if someone has a problem with you, then they aren't worth your time. You deserve better.

6 Name: Ilov3kookies : 2016-05-09 08:59 ID:GY4JdK1X [Del]

I feel you......I know how horrible SOCIETY is.... ;-; they just can't stop judging others....but let me tell u this...^•^ YOU'RE A PERSON ON UR OWN WITH UR OWN FREE WILL!!!! (~^•^)~ DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.....LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE!!! ^•^ DONT CARE WHAT OTHERS SAY!!! ^•^ BE YOURSELF....... AND LISTENING TO ROCK IS NOT SATANIST..... >_< IT'S UR CHOICE...U LOVE IT SO CONTINUE WITH IT!!! =^•^= BUT.....DONT ISOLATE URSELF!!! ^•^ I believe there might be a person out there who will understand u and who will respect you for who you are!!! ^•^ so be friends with them and I know you'll feel a lot better!!! ^•^

7 Name: Tarquin : 2016-05-09 09:33 ID:bwJ51zRZ [Del]

Dude, rock is the shit. I listen to bands like Three Days Grace all the damn time. They may say it sucks but I say rock the hell out man! I used to hate society too, especially because of how people treat people like you and I still to this day don't trust very many people, however I will tell you that the Dollars motto could not be more true, "The world isn't as bad as you think." Sure the world is gonna suck every so often, people are going to suck, and more for some than others, however the very existence of this community is proof that there are some nice and trustworthy people. If I hadn't gotten help from some of the members I wouldn't be where I am now. You've just gotta have some hope for now and be strong.

8 Name: eleanor : 2016-05-09 11:42 ID:XR94VbSE [Del]

i hear you and i understand if you want to talk we can

9 Name: Michael : 2016-05-09 13:59 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>7 You don't know how harsh the society in Romania is.If you're handicapped or poor people will treat you like garbage.If you're rich people will come at you like metal to a magnet.

10 Name: Tarquin : 2016-05-09 17:33 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

Your right, I don't know how harsh it is, but if there's any way to help out and at least make you feel good then I'm going to try. If Romania is that bad then try getting out of there, it could take awhile but from what your saying its got to be better than staying and letting the shit keep hitting you.

11 Name: Momochi : 2016-05-10 11:10 ID:Tz023aUH [Del]

Okay.Imma make this short,if you need to talk,I'm right here momochi.dollars@gmail,com
kik: Ariberry1018

12 Name: Michael : 2016-05-10 14:38 ID:/bz9nAJb [Del]

>>10 I still have one year of school then I will try to bail to USA.My only chance.If Trump will be president I go to Canada.

13 Name: Leo : 2016-05-10 16:04 ID:wLB2Ht4F [Del]

Yes, don't come to the USA if Trump is president! hahaha I'll go to Canada with you if he is XD

14 Name: Virika : 2016-05-10 17:24 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

hey Michael. i'm sorry people are treating you so badly. from what I can see, they have no reason to do so. I know that in certain places it can be hard to overcome prejudices, but that's no reason to be so terrible to you. the best advice I can give for this situation is to try not to let their opinions affect you or get you down. I find that once you stop paying attention to what other people think or say about you, you feel a lot better about yourself. i know that this can sometimes make you lonely if there are a lot of people are singling you out, but if they are doing so then that just tells you they're not the kind of people you want to be friends with. i think it's awesome that you listen to rock. don't try to change who you are and what you enjoy to fit other people's standards. and if anything, just sit tight for your last year of school until you can leave those people behind and make a fresh start.