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Help? (20)

1 Name: Reiko-chan : 2016-05-02 15:55 ID:C6GbjA1O [Del]

Hello everyone...
My ex has been stalking me and my friends. Sending anon hate everytime he has a chance. How I found out it was him well let's jut say he slipped...
This has been effecting my mental health and my friends. I don't wish to get them involved but he made them.
I know I should just ignore him or block him but he knows my url and will come back to attack me and my friends.
What should I do??

2 Name: ChocoDream !bqKtF04VsI : 2016-05-02 18:38 ID:DgmZTIHY [Del]

Just like you said , you should ignore him , he'll probably get tired of it after a while . If that doesn't work and the harassment continues you could probably arrange a ban with the people who are in charge of those things in here .

3 Name: Reiko-chan : 2016-05-03 06:58 ID:gUV/1Hj+ [Del]

He made a blog dedicated to making my life hell... I don't think he'll stop anytime soon...

4 Name: Dark Rose : 2016-05-03 07:09 ID:TLpiI4T4 [Del]

Go to the police! If someone is stalking you! go and tell them! This is serious! True nothing like this ever happened to me but till! You and your friends might get attacked one day. If you can't do for you. Do it for your friends!

5 Name: ChocoDream !bqKtF04VsI : 2016-05-03 07:38 ID:DgmZTIHY [Del]

>>4 I completely agree with this .
If he has gone that far you should talk with the police , and if you don't have the courage to do it , you can ask your friends for help!

6 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-05-03 07:42 ID:IjUzLjrq [Del]

When my ex did this, I confronted him publicly on his personal account about it, forcing him to backpedal and stop so as to not look like an asshole in front of his close friends.

But it sounds like this was an internetex who you probably don't have access to the personal account of, so ymmv.

7 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-05-03 07:44 ID:IjUzLjrq [Del]

also >>4 is always fun, just for the sake of being a prick.

Realistically, y'all could just change your URLs and turn off anon message, etc. but if you want to fill out loads of paperwork and fuck up his life in ways you shouldn't, getting the police involved is always an option.

8 Name: Yuki : 2016-05-03 11:25 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

I agree >>4 call the police, hes gone too far and its none of his buisiness.

9 Name: Joba : 2016-05-03 18:46 ID:Ld+ZMagp [Del]

>>8 I think in a way it is his business as he was in the relationship too, however, he's definitely going too far, cops are the best choice if possible

10 Name: Neko-Sakura : 2016-05-03 23:05 ID:NS7aRipI [Del]

I agree, He's gone to far. You need to involve an authority figure, Police are definitely a good option. You and your friends don't need his crap. Don't be afraid to seek help.

11 Name: Jai : 2016-05-04 19:31 ID:PhO65TSH [Del]

Restraining order, restraining order, restraining order!!!!

12 Name: YuuNinth : 2016-05-05 06:57 ID:q4T1hfFg [Del]

That guy is definitely a yandere. Call police to save u! ! (I hope u will be okay >.< )

13 Name: Gaten : 2016-05-05 15:43 ID:aHrO9bo4 [Del]

Seems He has onitis?, if it would be me i wouldnt Do anything like stalking its just needy, i wonder how and why you broke up with him

14 Name: Nothing. : 2016-05-05 17:08 ID:02fstGXn [Del]

Ignore him. If he continue tell to your parents or to your friends.

15 Name: unknown : 2016-05-05 19:15 ID:hWpHiASS [Del]

ha I hate childish fucks who cant respect woman ignore him let him hate tell your friends to not pay attention he will get pissed and look dumb af.

16 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-05-05 20:23 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

You should tell someone about it. At least letting someone know about it, it should be a start.

17 Name: Virika : 2016-05-06 16:13 ID:vgKg5fEi [Del]

My main concern is for your health and safety. If you think your ex could be threatening to you or your friends I would highly suggest you seek out help. If he is affecting your mental health, confide in someone you trust. I don't know if you're still in high school or college, but this is what school councillors are for. If you think this can be solved by ignoring him do so, but do what you think is right in this situation. Also, try blocking him on social media if he is harassing you online. I know you may not want to do this, but you could also change your url and turn of anon. Let us know what happens, and stay safe :)

18 Name: Reiko-chan : 2016-05-08 22:58 ID:kI0lH7Yi [Del]

Thank you so much for everyone's support and input. Worst case scenario I'll have to get the authorities involved... He has been posting thing my url and asking people to make me suffer...What do I do other people are helping him too??

19 Name: HavocBlack : 2016-05-09 09:26 ID:jcnndwpr [Del]

People won't help him do anything. It is a scare tactic on his part. He wants you to think that people will help him that way he can hurt you by making you fearful. If he is starting to do stuff like this it is time to go to the police about it.

20 Name: Dark Rose : 2016-05-10 07:07 ID:TLpiI4T4 [Del]

Do what we've been saying! Call the cops! I know you don't want to! This guy has help! This is getting worse! Call the cops!