Dollars BBS | Personal
















Don´t know what to do (7)

1 Name: Akiabo !4Snw0YzxhI : 2016-05-02 10:14 ID:/toN4ktH [Del]

Alright I think I´ve hit a hard spot in my life and I don´t know how to fix it so let me tell you guys the story.

Prom was getting ready to start at my school and I didn´t have a date my other date wanted to go with her friends so I was going to go alone. A couple of days later I asked a girl jokingly if she would like to go with me and she said yes. Then the night of the prom she calls me up and asked if we are still going, I was surprised that she actually wanted to go with me, so I went to go pick her up. Later at the dance I ran into the girl that I was supposed to go with and we were talking and she seemed fine so I went to grab a drink. I come back maybe a minute later and she was gone, I thought she went to dance with her friends so I went to go sat down and her friend came running up to me and yelling YOU MADE HER CRY YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. I was shocked so I asked the girl who I went with to go check up on her because she was in the bathroom. She told me that she said I was a lier and a horrible person. To add on the shit list my dad called me and told me that my mom was admitted to the hospital for kidney failure. I wanted to go see her because I was worried. And my date did not have a ride home so I went and told one of her friends that I was going to leave, I did not want them knowing that my mom was in the hospital so I told them I was going to leave because I the music sucked. So I drove my date home then drove to the hospital. My mom was asleep by the time I got there. The next morning I found out that the other girls friends ditched them to go have sex and they were yelling at me because I ditched her. Then I told her what really happend. She then told me to fuck off and never talk to her again.

Sorry If this is long but I really don´t know what to do I care about her too much to leave her. What do I say? What do I do?

2 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-05-02 10:32 ID:QyMbUuBa [Del]

1. Paragraph break
2. Say Girl A & Girl B because it's plain confusing
3. Some common mistake people make in relationships: trying to force it when they should step back a lil bit.

What kind of care do you have for the girl? Sometimes you have to be ready to take the blame and sincerely apologise (which most people aren't capable of).

3 Name: Akiabo !4Snw0YzxhI : 2016-05-02 10:36 ID:/toN4ktH [Del]

Sorry about all of the mistakes

I just care about her so much she was the only one there for me when my friend commited suicide. I have apologized she just said to never talk to her again

4 Name: Momochi : 2016-05-02 11:14 ID:gNgybaEZ [Del]

Damn child.This sounds like regular teenage bitchyness to her.You explained it and she still acted like an idiot.Because I honestly don't care to much about other people,fuck it you tried.I'd just ignore her and go on with my life.

5 Name: Nothing : 2016-05-02 11:35 ID:vlpVYXLA [Del]

Ridiculous just leave it behind she doesn't deserve attention.

6 Name: Wendy : 2016-05-02 12:27 ID:SXhsw7M+ [Del]

im so sorry for you but your life can only go to ways and that is your choice. I hope you choose to be happy and get happiness.

7 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-05-03 04:01 ID:3hRCW7BP [Del]

Dude, personally, if you did nothing wrong, don't do shit about it.

If it doesn't work out with anyone, and everyone then thinks you're a dick. It just means you made some wrong choices somewhere.

Also, explain the shit first.