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Can't feel connected with anybody (8)

1 Name: Someone : 2016-04-30 06:22 ID:M0fk5s0Q [Del]

I cannot feel conneted to anyvody. I cannot feel like i will ever be able to telk anybody what is on my mind. Even my friends who trust me, for some reason i cannot feel like i can tell them what is really on my mind. What is making me sad...i tell them superficial things such as 'this teacher is upsetting me' and stuff.

Doea anybody have any piece of advice or something? I am 16 female and use to have severe anxiety. I am over it to an extent and more comfortable with myself, i moved on without depending on anybody's help because nobody really got what i felt like so this is why i gave trying to speak my mind a long time ago.

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-04-30 08:14 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

You have to build bonds with others before you can really open up. There will always be some things you won't admit to anyone. But there's also many things you might be surprised how badly needed out.

Trusting others and making yourself vulnerable isn't easy, but the right person can really take some weight off your shoulders.

My advice to anyone who feels like they can't open up to their circle of friends. Cut past the surface, and build deep bonds. Having a close friend to talk to can make personal matters less intimidating.

3 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-04-30 10:49 ID:QyMbUuBa [Del]

Some filtering advice: avoid people who goes OMG and REALLY?? over small things.
They're usually more comfortable with superficial relationships rather than deep ones.

4 Name: Nothing : 2016-04-30 19:13 ID:vlpVYXLA [Del]

You're just different than the others. It's better being alone than with the wrong persons. Look forward even if you have to go without depending on anybody's.

5 Name: Tarquin : 2016-04-30 22:00 ID:OVXW/0WU [Del]

Yknow what's bullshit about "friends"? A lot of times I find that even though people can trust you, you can't fucking trust them, it's aggrevating as hell.

6 Name: Somebody : 2016-05-01 03:46 ID:CblXz2H2 [Del]

Same. Well for me, I feel like they would never understand even if I tell them. Or maybe because I'm afraid they'd see me as someone who's overemotional (I admit, I am. I just don't show it but I am.) Idk anymore.

7 Name: Joy : 2016-05-01 08:41 ID:qhcBOSoF [Del]

I feel the same as you. I have friends, parents but somehow I don't feel that they understand me. I only find the sympathy from the internet.
But it's okay to be a little different from people around you. Just think that you're special.
And i'm 17 female. Lol =))

8 Name: Gaten : 2016-05-01 10:56 ID:wFanIQZO [Del]

Well go your way, Dont let other Change you even if that means Your Alone then. Its good to be who you are, And when humans think that your wired well they should shut the fck up, the mass is the Problem evryone follow Trends and loosing thereselfs to them i mean lets being honest for a few examples: why man try to get muscle or no at Least a Sixpack? Not because they want to get stronger, its just because they want to fuck pretty womans and its god Sake so much easier with a pack its unbelievable. Or why evryone has the same, well litteraly evryone, hairstyle? Not because they want it its because the Trend / mass/ Mainstream wants it and that you dont Fall through a roster. Thats humanity girl, dump but not evrything is at Least like this. Be special be urself or try to Be!