Dollars BBS | Personal
















Me (3)

1 Name: Zika : 2016-04-25 14:46 ID:b0tIFfVd [Del]

So.... Im not really sure how to say this, but is it bad to always be emotionless? Well, not always but i seem to always be in some sort of calm state, where nothing really gets to me. This includes school (ex. Teachers yelling, not doing homework, failing classes, ect.) Home (Ex. parents yelling, being left out by friends, not really caring about anything. ect.) I just cant seem to find anything to motivate me anymore. Its like im in a constant state of nothing. I want to scream and laugh and cry , but i have nothing to make me do so. I read Fanfics a lot because they give me something to look forward to, same as manga and anime, But it seems that their not enough. Can someone please help me find something that will make me want to do anything other than stay in my room all day?
Please and thank you.

2 Name: KAKZ : 2016-04-25 15:03 ID:rxfOEYCJ [Del]

Do sports or so, its produktive and good for yourself ( i train and jog sometimes) other than that well i dont know, im Kind like you: school - home- lern or sports or both, Gaming Bit- sleep and school again, im more that introverted like guy just Do what i need to Do and thats it, going to friends well mostly they working and Most we Hang out on the weekend, well you have some peops who you can call friend or compan well i hope so, if not no Problem too, maybe you can go Walk too enjoy nature. Hobbys? Yea mostly it cost money to get Into something, or doing something exiting, sadly.. Well how its called: without money no World, well Mail me if you want my email is:
Hope things might get better for you ^^

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2016-04-25 18:14 ID:f0H1Bg7e [Del]

>>2 sports are a good idea.
Otherwise, everything that has some competition to it, even writing or drawing, maybe a YouTube channel, whatecver invokes competitive spirit should be enough to make you feel something. If you don't know how to get yourself motivated, the hardest moment to overcome is right before starting, when you think you'd rather not start, don't want to bother with it, that's the moment you need to overcome yourself and just get started. Once you're into it, it's way easier to keep it up.