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My heart sucks (5)

1 Name: Nobody : 2016-04-25 07:28 ID:yHQr0MmP [Del]

Hi, I hope you can help me.

So My problem is I'm In love with my cousin.... Crap right .. It's really rubbish because you can't love your cousin, or any family connected.... Okay, it all start from year 2010 dec 24 (I clearly remember that) it's the time where I was captivated by his charms and Good look and kindness,, Also I like his side where He's really fond with children.. When I saw him like that I just fall harder than hard ... Arghh! this is really bad! crap!,,, I try to move on but every time I see him, it will all just came back to me the feelings I fell for him. I must try harder right?

But I was hoping you could tell me some advice and opinion how to move on.. Because it's been 6 years already and I have to wake up from this blissful dream because there's no way This love is right...

2 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-25 13:10 ID:6hsPPWLQ [Del]

Well... that depends. I mean, marriage between first cousins is legal and totally cool in some countries, depends where you live.

Try dating other guys, there are a lot of fish in the sea ;) Really, I have no better advice than that.

Also, distancing yourself from him as much as possible will make you forget about it. Time apart dulls feelings and can make you forget them.

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2016-04-25 18:31 ID:f0H1Bg7e [Del]

I'm not even against romantic relationships within family, but if you see it as a problem, then I reckon it is one.

Honestly speaking though, I think you're confusing affection and idolisation. Or at least it'd be an easy way to get rid of your troubles by thinking that. Think about it, could you see yourself standing besides him? Do you consider yourself to be equal to him, or is he a person you think of as amazing and want to admire him?

Besides that, love takes peculiar paths, so often, there's nothing you can do but wait it out and try to move on. Maybe try to see his bad sides more.

4 Name: Abziiee!eOSP90O0Mg : 2016-04-25 18:57 ID:oyJc/smI [Del]

>>1 is that a problem in your Country/Culture? Because I personally don't think that loving your cousin is wrong. Hell, that's not only my opinion. So just out of curiousity, may I ask why you think it's wrong? Not that I will judge, we all have our different believes and opinions.

5 Name: Dark Rose : 2016-04-26 07:29 ID:TLpiI4T4 [Del]

This reminds me of an Anime I watched. Try finding out what he think about you? I mean what if there's a slim slim chance that he likes you back? Sorry if you don't like this. You could always date other guys. If that doesn't I'll come back to you on that last part. Good Luck!