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Too sensitive (9)

1 Name: Hazel : 2016-04-24 16:43 ID:Ww21g8GW [Del]

I cry about anything and I hate it. Any little comment, any sappy movie. I don't understand it and I really want it to stop. Even if there's nothing sad, my brain makes sad situations which cause me to cry. Tricks or advice to stop this?

2 Name: Reizo : 2016-04-24 17:23 ID:ZdVSLp3K [Del]

Being a person who cries about anything I believe that there is something wrong going on in your head, maybe something that you buried deep down in your heart and doesn't talk with anyone about it. It would be a good thing to talk to someone you trust about how you feel and about things that let you that way. I believe that there are a few people out there that want help you in this case, and I'm someone you can rely on!

If you want, email me:
I'll try to help with everything I can! ^^

3 Name: Grr_Guy !o3hBg9PyEE : 2016-04-24 19:14 ID:nwtK5ing [Del]

Are there specific triggers or is is just any little thing? Finding what the things that make you cry have in common might get you closer to a solution

4 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-24 20:23 ID:6hsPPWLQ [Del]

Like Grr_Guy said, are there specific triggers?

Otherwise, I'm quite similar, I can't watch sappy movies or dramas. I will cry at sad scenes and I will cry at happy scenes (those are tears of happiness in that case though haha). I feel like I'm too sensitive to these things too, sigh. If it's related to these kinds of things, I don't think there's anything wrong with you TBH.

Also, if you're stressed out (school, life problems, etc.) you're more likely to break down at the smallest things (speaking from experience). It might actually be stress caused by something or a combination of things that trigger you. Try to see what that trigger is.

5 Name: Hazel : 2016-04-25 16:30 ID:Ww21g8GW [Del]

Thanks guys. and >>3 >>4 Not particularly.Of course the things you expect to cry at, I do. But I'll also cry when i'm alone, suddenly, or thinking about small things that shouldn't bother me.

6 Name: Microcosmal : 2016-04-25 17:44 ID:f+o9zNLX [Del]

You're mentally unstable(fucked up in the head). Seek counselling.

7 Name: Abziiee!eOSP90O0Mg : 2016-04-25 19:03 ID:oyJc/smI [Del]

>>6 your jokes are hard dude, I mean she did mention that she's sensitive right?

8 Name: Abziiee!eOSP90O0Mg : 2016-04-25 19:04 ID:oyJc/smI [Del]

I hope she laughed it off....

9 Name: Hazel : 2016-04-26 14:58 ID:Ww21g8GW [Del]

nah i'm fine, thank you. i might think about it later or something but its just a rude comment.