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Confused (9)

1 Name: sebbyyy : 2016-04-24 04:20 ID:N/YGfyWh [Del]

Hi, I'm really confused about myself, It's like what I always get in touched or know will eventually, stay away from me, I don't know1, And I always think that whatever I have now is temporary. I know that it's true. argghhh!! I don't know anymore.. Maybe I don't deserve to be like or even love. Because I always "shoo" them away .. Arrgghhh ! I'm confused I always think about it every night.... T_T

2 Name: BloodyRed : 2016-04-24 04:43 ID:lHHCUY9S [Del]

Everyone deserves to be loved, even you! So don't think like that, okay? I may not be the best person to say this kind of things but try to talk it out somehow. If you think that you push people away try to talk to those people and say that you have a problem with coming close to someone. If they really love or like you they will try to do their best to help you! ^_^

3 Name: Crazed Architect : 2016-04-24 05:01 ID:auK0LXSD [Del]

hey i don't know your know your situation but if you just need to find the right people. if they people don't like you that's they problem. just keep at it :)

4 Name: sebbyyy : 2016-04-24 05:15 ID:N/YGfyWh [Del]

well you two are right.. I tried to open up for them. But they always say that it's my imagination that looks like.,, How can I say this.......hmmm like "Their so close yet so far", I can't catch up with them, I feel like a side wheel of our friendship, I feel alone when I'm with them, ...

5 Name: BloodyRed : 2016-04-24 05:32 ID:lHHCUY9S [Del]

Well if they really like or love you they should try to help you! You shouldn't feel like that. I had a hard time getting friends and such but my friends that i have now have been very careful to come to close and now we can be with each other and tell everything we know. Like i said if they like you they must know your problem and you all should try to do it together :)

6 Name: Hando : 2016-04-24 08:05 ID:pVfol5S3 [Del]

hmmm...can i know your character/personality? maybe it'll help us to tell you the solution..

7 Name: sebbyyy : 2016-04-24 21:42 ID:I6D55T6k [Del]

hmmm... let's see... I'm an aloof person I just prefer to keep quiet and just listen to their conversation, and sometimes be part of it if I want the topic, I'm not a friendly type, Maybe I'm a person like "you'll talk first before me" something like that thou... And I'm a shy type to those I barely know...>////<

8 Name: Hando : 2016-05-02 00:41 ID:NqklKqsQ [Del]

Same personality
Human only believe what they want to believe,so maybe you only need to stop thinking like "I don't deserve to be liked".

9 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-05-02 07:08 ID:3hRCW7BP [Del]

Start thinking: I don't give a shit about what you're thinking.