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Depersonalization (4)

1 Name: Frey : 2016-04-19 09:51 ID:wjYS3GOh [Del]

I don't know whether the people here a familiar with this concept, so I'll do a quick summary first so we are all on the same page and no additional reading will be necessary, unless someone want's to search it deeper. (Also, English isn't my native language, so excuse anything I get wrong)

So, basically, this a disorder in which one distances his self awareness from both himself and everyone/everything around, and instead becomes something like an observer. Basically a detachment from reality, and ones own body at the same time.

Now, I can't claim I have the full course of this, but everything that doesn't directly concern my body, feels fake. To be more precise, to me, life is like a tv show. There are daily episodes, fillers, seasons. It is as if I am watching this show and all I really care about is going on the next one, and then making it as interesting as possible. So from times, I will cause events that otherwise wouldn't happen, just so I can "watch" the continuation of the show.

This sounds like a complete sociopath... But at the same time this has been the way my mind has worked for as long as I can remember. The question I have is something more complicated; I hate being manipulative that way, but at the same time I have helped friends out with their lives, and I am overwhelmingly successful on doing whatever I want, but it is still manipulation, but if I stop (something that I have tried before), everything becomes so dull and meaningless that I can not see any reason to get out of bed...

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-04-19 11:53 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

It can be tough to wrap your head around the fact that every single entity has it's own personal perspective. You're kind of stuck in your own head from what I can tell and I suppose that's okay if you're not hurting anyone. Just know everyone has their own agenda, their own experiences, even their own perspective of you from the outside in.

I guess I'm just trying to get across how little your daily "episodes" matter in the grand scheme of things.

Everyone makes their own plans. Everyone is pulling strings to get their way. Everyone has a sense of free will. Everyone thinks their special.

Kind of puts a damper on self importance after you realize there's no reason for anyone to give a single fuck about your wants and needs. That's your responsibility.

P.S. Something I keep in mind when it comes to boredom is the phrase "You're not bored, you're boring."

3 Name: Frey : 2016-04-19 12:21 ID:wjYS3GOh [Del]

>>2 you see, that's the thing. I know I am unimportant and so is everyone else. In the grand scheme of things, nothing I do matters, and that's exactly why I have no problem doing what I do. And the fact that everyone is slightly different than everyone else, yet also similar, is what makes things interesting, like testing reactions from different people on similar things. Like, how would guy A react if I said that, and then saying the same thing to guy B to see. I check so guy A can be a different kind of person, with different personalities and ideals, and sometimes I go out of my way to find people like that, like entering different political groups in my university.

It is exactly because I understand that noone is really special, we are all just passing through leaving a virtually non-existent footprint in the cosmic calendar, that it all feels like a big stage, and everyone a potential focal point.

4 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-04-19 19:39 ID:Ghh4gzd4 [Del]

First thing's first: I don't know you and I'm not an expert.
Are you sure you're not mistaking depersonalisation and dissociation?
Depersonalisation means you don't really have a sense of 'self' or you can't separate your 'self' from the rest of the world. From what I read so far, you've got a distinct 'self' and can even tell what you really want.
On a side note, I don't think you have a dissociation either.