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Advice (9)

1 Name: TiltEd : 2016-04-18 02:36 ID:HG/SinRW [Del]

So recently I was told I am an emotionless robot, and I started thinking it is true. People say I hardly smile and I don't get sad or anything like that. People ask if I'm ok and I tell them "yeah I'm fine". I am fixated on it so much that I started to think am I relly ok is there something wrong with me. So I want advice because people are avoiding me and I have no one to talk to.

2 Name: Kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-18 06:25 ID:VJDMFhr2 [Del]

oh wow.. just because you're too poker face, doesn't mean you're a bad person..

judgmental people.. really..

if you want someone to talk to.. start talking with something you want to talk about.. something like.. "I really like Alternative Music".. if they respond.. good.. if they dont,

I personally think you haven't found right friends yet.. friends that understands your personality..

if you're friends are treating you like that, they're not worthy of being called friends at all.. you just have to wait for the right friends that you're willing to treasure and are willing to treasure you back..

sorry if my idea is all over the place..

3 Name: DreadZero : 2016-04-18 06:50 ID:6wF4wWR6 [Del]

I agree with Kurosake. Everyone has their little quirks that makes them...well themselves. Odds are that there is a little truth, and a lot of over exaggeration. When I say there is truth to their statement, I'm not saying its bad. You're you, so I don't think you should have to change yourself because people don't understand how you work. Just because you're not overflowing with emotion at every bright flower and sunrise does not make you a lifeless spoon. I'm probably very similar to you. I have emotions like everyone else, but it takes certain things for me to really display it, or actually feel overwhelmed with the feels. I've gotten many comments on this, and some people even considered it as a talent in certain situations. LOL

If you want to try and show a bit more emotion here and there, that is fine but don't develop a complex over this. I think you're good.

4 Name: Morning : 2016-04-18 11:09 ID:BdIrRF75 [Del]

Hi there! Well, I'm going to tell you now. I am the same way.

I mean I still feel. I just don't show it like everyone else.

I am so overwhelmed with emotions, my physical-ness(?) can't handle it so I default to my poker-face.

It's not a bad thing at all.

I agree with Kurosuke when it comes to friends. Find some people to interact with and if you guys become friends then great!

Surround yourself with people that accept you for you. Plus, us Dollars got your back!

5 Name: kgk : 2016-04-19 01:38 ID:XB8YFeX8 [Del]

I'm the same way too. people usually describe me as being stoic. however, a while ago one of my co-workers told me that at that first i looked pretty emotionless but after she got to know me, she said i was actually a really cool and funny guy. you just need to meet more people and eventually one will understand you!!!

6 Name: Hakaro : 2016-04-19 13:50 ID:y6k4LRam [Del]

What is normal?

Don't care about, how you are or what people say about you. You must live your life. You are the person, who must move on. Still, communcation is made also by the appearance of a person and body signals. If you have a poker face and don't react to something, they will interprete it so, that you don't want any contact.

Try to pay attention on that and follow the tips of Kurosuke and DreadZero.

7 Name: illupo3450 : 2016-04-19 20:52 ID:wdK4t97R [Del]

I get told I am emotionless too but on off occasions at work randomly I go, "You know why everyone likes me? Because I am always smiling... On the inside," and that always makes me laugh so I laugh and they laugh, good times.

8 Name: Ozymandias : 2016-04-19 21:12 ID:SpG7olUd [Del]

Yeah, I had the same issue, so I tried to fix it. However, I over-corrected and now I'm smiling almost all the time unless I pay attention to my facial expression. Authority figures (principal, police, etc.) just figure I'm a major asshole since I smile as I talk to them (don't understand their line of thinking, but whatever). Main point is, you're fine.
But hey, don't you feel a sense of irony whenever you click the reCAPTCHA box that says "I'm not a robot"?

9 Name: TiltEd : 2016-04-19 22:22 ID:hQGcUsvl [Del]

I was skeptical about asking for advice here, but I'm glad I did. People here are helpful and I am proud to be in the Dollars. Thank you all.