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Do I need to Fit in? (17)

1 Name: LadyAmphibian : 2016-04-10 12:04 ID:ekKfdwW5 [Del]

I'm about to enter 11th grade and I always like to be alone. ( well because none of them shares the same interest as I do) I enjoy it. Not that I dont have friends . And being an officer of the students council a lot of people know me. I get really tired when in the past 3 years... it gets in my nerve when they say.. " why are you lonely?" " poor you, why are you alone?" " Why are u always alone?" " Why are u different from other girls" "you are so weird" etc.

Is it my fault that I'm like this?

Its just that if I hang out with them I dont really like what they are talking about. Id just feel out of place.

Do i need to change for them?

PS: they dont have the same passion as I have in anime :'(

2 Name: Neko !CAT7JzNTRI : 2016-04-10 12:17 ID:TBBDYGSe [Del]

No and no.
You can try to fit in and it'll even feel great.
For the first 5 seconds.
And then you'll start to feel oppressed (you only have yourself to blame, btw) and just snap at one point.

3 Name: Akabayashi : 2016-04-10 13:46 ID:QS3MDrY/ [Del]

It's not your fault, some people are just like that and you certainly don't need to change for them. However, it might be a good idea to try being more open for your own sake. It will make things easier for you in the long run.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-04-10 14:30 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

Sometimes you're in the wrong generation and your interests will be tooootally different. There's a difference in being "alone" and "lonely". If you really do feel lonely while being alone then maybe hang out at the library or talk to the under class men. Younger ones are a lot more fun to hang out with anyway. Maybe even recruit people from around the school who're into anime and discuss in the library. Don't make it a daily/weekly thing tho, it's very much casual. Never stay in the same spot for too long during breaks. And enjoy your freedom from the constraints of others.

Cuz' there's usually someone that looks up to you for that.

6 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-10 20:03 ID:6hsPPWLQ [Del]

>>1 What Kokkuri-san (>>5) said is also my advice. That's what I did when I was in middle school and part of high school (also I changed schools a lot sooooo).

But I would also suggest being a bit more open -- that is, if you want to have people to hang out with. Be more open about new discussion topics, even if you think it's not interesting at first. Sometimes it takes a bit more of an open-minded attitude to realize that a topic you thought boring or not worth your time is actually interesting :)

P.S. There's more than just anime to talk about ;)

7 Name: NZPIEFACE !NZPIEH7uI6 : 2016-04-10 22:29 ID:SXETrWu0 [Del]

You're that background character in everyone's story.
Be proud, everyone has seen you, but no one remembers you by the end.

8 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-04-10 23:08 ID:+1sYsdX1 [Del]

Who knows. In the manga Evergreen I remember the side characters better than the rubbish protagonists.

9 Name: Rora !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-04-10 23:16 ID:6hsPPWLQ [Del]

>>7, >>8
Pfft, that's so true though hahaha.

10 Name: Xeon !XeonHLOACY : 2016-04-11 05:47 ID:g0okN1Xh [Del]

It's not your fault I've spent my entire school life like that and also when someone tells me i'm such a loner i just look at them (thinking in my mind why the f@ck would you care?) and say to them i just like my own space,cause when i'm interested in someone i'm interested in their personality cause i'm just surrounded by a bunch of fools at school so i only had a number of friends but still we're close even if i don't change my attitude around them cause they know me and i know them,so point is be yourself and if you think you can be close to someone talk to them.
brought to you by waffles <3 <-- this part ain't mine

11 Name: Dark Rose : 2016-04-11 07:46 ID:TLpiI4T4 [Del]

I know how you feel! I'm gong though what you are going through now. you don't have to change! People call me weird! People don't like me cause I like anime! If you change they win! you'll feel even worse! Be yourself! We are here for you! Hold you head high! Tell those other girls. "I like anime and I always will! There's nothing you can do about it!" If they really wanted to be your friend they would accept you for you! not call you weird! Don't give up! Stand you for yourself! If they don't stop let us know if they don't stop! I'll help any fellow Dollar in need! sick with the friends you have or do something you like by yourself! just stay the way you are! I like being by myself! DO what ever you want! Never change because of someone else! Wow long post! If you ever need to talk to me about this issue or just want to chat or your just board. email me! My email is! I better stop here! See you!

12 Name: Pikari : 2016-04-11 20:48 ID:FXtnWg6o [Del]

Stay true to yourself! There's a lot of us Dollars that are going through the same thing you are, myself included. And for the people that ask you why your different from the other girls? They're absolute fools! Take pride in being unique, you are yourself so you have no need to become like everyone else! Just remember, while you may be a side character in one persons story, your the main character in your own as well. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to email me, I'm good at listening. My email is, I'll stop here before this turns too long, See you!

13 Name: Chibis4Life : 2016-04-11 20:55 ID:a+gYXFqr [Del]

I'm gonna tell ya right now, changing yourself isn't gonna fix anything. I understand. One of my best friends in the entire world hates anime and anything to do with it with a fiery passion and I'm passionate about it. In all honesty, you need people in your life that are passionate about the things that you are into. In all honesty, I have been alone for over four years at school, until I found people who shared my intrests. You don't change who you are. Think about it. Pretend if you get all these people right next to you for you not being yourself how would you really feel? They liked a person who wasn't you. So, In my option, be yourself no matter how many obstacles get in your way! :D

14 Name: Sika : 2016-04-12 11:28 ID:LmCLYPka [Del]

i have the same problem but really don't change your self for someone who doesn't like your true self

15 Name: Zorten!NDD5HaAhTA : 2016-04-12 12:49 ID:WjfhcL6T [Del]

Real talk, alright? I was in your place recently.

Don't sweat it.

It's not worth your time.

If they wanna ask "why are you so lonely?" it's not them being mean or rude on purpose, they're honestly just asking.

Just respond with a "eh, I just like my own solitude:)"

You don't have to change for anyone.

Youre about to enter 11th?

Trust me. It's always better off not caring about what anyone thinks of you (as long as you don't not care SO much you end up being a prick to the people around you).

Just wait a while. Don't force yourself into a clique you clearly don't fit into either. Wait it out, and maybe you'll find a nice group for you to bland into, or a friend to call a good one.

Wish ya luck with it all.


16 Name: Mask_Girl : 2016-04-12 13:49 ID:MpsctSyl [Del]

I have the same problem at school too i'm not the type of person that just walks up to someone and start a conversation with them so i'm doing prety good in school and i think you should just be yourself.

17 Name: Bard : 2016-04-12 15:12 ID:Px1xv6YV [Del]

Don't change unless you think it's the right thing to do, I changed into what everyone wanted me to be like and it sucked. You become just another person with a mask trying to be something your not. Please don't make the same mistake I did.