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Is it okay to be alone? What should I do? (8)

1 Name: KawaiiNeko : 2016-04-04 20:03 ID:NS7aRipI [Del]

Within the last 6 months I have dumped a guy, been dumped by another guy, and refused to be in a relationship with another guy. I've realized that idea of being alone makes me sick. I'm kinda scared. And now I have another guy that I work with that I really like and want to try to be with. I'm afraid of scaring him off, or worse, of making the wrong decision. Any advice? I'm 17 and confused on what to do in life. Thank you in advance

2 Name: Morning : 2016-04-04 20:37 ID:vdaoeoDJ [Del]

Well. I'm also an alone 17 year old. I say just give it a shot to be single. I haven't had a boyfriend before so I don't know what it's like to be in a real relationship with anyone. Yes, there are some lonely moments but you overcome those and you become more independent.

6 months and you had all those relationship things? You must be one heck of a charmer. And being single, well it can be fun sometimes with charm like that. Just don't take it too far (or course).

I personally don't think you should get into a relationship after all of those things happening so frequently. Think about it some more. Focus on school because that is one of the more important things to focus on right now.

So from another 17 year old girl to another. Just chillax for now. Good things come to those who wait. And who knows maybe another, better guy will come along. (p.s. I don't think you should date co-workers anyway).

Hope this helped at least a little.

3 Name: SirVive The Knight : 2016-04-05 01:32 ID:49/AntDP [Del]

I'm a 17 year old single guy(was left- twice- by the same person) and I approve Morning's Message.

You ought to probably focus like morning said, me the hypocrite. You don't need to have a boyfriend to avoid feeling lonely, you can have friends for that.

4 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-04-05 01:50 ID:C45yywUW [Del]

Im turning 21 without a boyfriend and never had.

and its amazing to be alone.

You're 17!! you have a lot of years to spend. live your life first before chaining yourself to someone.

Being single is a good. love will come eventually. you just have to wait.

5 Name: somatic : 2016-04-05 02:16 ID:brJKs8RJ [Del]

I didn't get my first real life (meaning not long distance, internet only) relationship until I was 24. I'm 25 and very happy with the girl I'm with (lesbians) but part of why we work well is because we were both at points in our lives where we could appreciate certain details of one another without having the differences get in the way. (She's 9 years my senior, lol)

It might be hard but even if you do date, you don't have to look at it like you're looking for the one you'll spend your life with. Life changes a lot as high school ends.

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-04-05 02:24 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

There are people who are alone but not lonely. But there's people out there with boyfriends/girlfriends or a husband/wife and they feel like they're the only ones alive in the world depressingly. It's all how you see it.

Whether I'm with or without my future-husband, it's up to me if I feel lonely or not.

But anyways I think it's okay to be alone.

7 Name: Annie : 2016-04-05 05:30 ID:wVo+ubM3 [Del]

you donĀ“t need a man in order to live a happy life. you are a strong woman. and being 17 year old girl myself i can relate that hormones is making me a bit more into relationships but i can do just as good on my own. we are growing up.

8 Name: Missy X : 2016-04-05 11:20 ID:HCix/nzN [Del]

It is perfectly fine to be alone for awhile. I would actually recommend it so you have time to heal.As for the guy that you are with now, just be understanding and know what you are getting into. Just be yourself and if he doesn't like it then he can suck it.