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What to do? (7)

1 Name: Sadashi : 2016-03-30 18:54 ID:MhLLd4mo [Del]

I have a friend at school who has cheated on the majority of her boyfriends. She recently began a relationship with a guy(I also have feelings for him) but before they got together I told the guy what she has done in the past because I don't want him to get hurt, but he decided to do it anyway. Now he is thinking about breaking up with her because of what I said. I feel really bad because I don't want her to get hurt either and she is trying to change too. Did I screw up? I'm scared that if she finds out what I said to him she'll think I only said it because I like him too and that could cause our friendship to end.

2 Name: Honoka : 2016-03-30 19:59 ID:qgkQakTq [Del]

I would talk to your friend first. See if she really will stick to her word and make sure she doesn't have any one else in mind she would cheat with. She doesn't have a good history with boys so you really need to make sure she doesn't go against her word.

I guess addressing the boy you like is up to you and your own feelings. You could tell him to give your friend a chance or you can let him break it off with her because even if she says she won't cheat, there's still the possibility. He knew about this before dating her, right? He should know what he got into. What you did isn't wrong. You wanted to protect him from a painful relationship, that's normal.

Just wondering, do you have a good relationship with your friend? Just some things you said made me wonder how it is between you too. If that's private you don't have to say!

3 Name: ShinAttha : 2016-03-31 09:34 ID:0Aeg99hE [Del]

I agree, you should talk to your friend first. Well, depending on your relation, it is questionable whether you should tell her what you told him, but for now, I think you should just see whether she's genuinely trying to change and if she is, support her.

As for him, I know this is hard if you like him too, but depending on how your friend is doing, you might want to encourage him to give her a chance, mention that she's trying her best too, if that's the case. Otherwise, you should by no means advise him to break up or get some distance between them, because no matter what your actual motivations are, it's awfully easy to give you the role of the villain if you were to do something like that. It'd be easy to make it seem like you're just jealous and want to snatch him away, so you should by no means try to create any distrust between them.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-31 09:42 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

You sort of did screw up. Rule of thumb, never make recommendations to people when it comes to relationships, good or bad. If the person was genuinely trying to change you would've ruined their chances at it. Remember back biting doesn't do anyone good. It just shows more of your flaws.

If your guy friend did ended up getting into a relationship with a baddie it's not your place to see if they suit each other or not. I know you wanna 'protect him' but in the long run it doesn't. If things do end up going bad with his gf you'd be there to support. But now you wouldn't seem much of a support but instead of the standby who keeps saying "I told you so" and he wouldn't want you to be involved at all.

Imagine you were trying to apply for a nice job but then someone decided to say to the interviewer, "but she picks her boogers when no ones looking!". Thus ruining your chances at getting that job when you actually stopped your habit or are trying to stop it! (you get the idea, now stop laughing at my example...)

6 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-31 09:44 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

oh, i forgot to give you your solution.

To make up for your deeds, just say something nice about her to your guy friend. And don't say it in a way just to make yourself sound innocent. Say it in a way like you genuinely BELIEVE in this good quality of her's.

^that's one form repentance.

And if things turn out bad, just be there pretty much. Don't do the " I told you so " thing though.

7 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-31 18:49 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

You didn't mess up. It was better to warn him about it then have him get really hurt