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Not sure what to do... (8)

1 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-30 17:25 ID:2fObzmEj [Del]

Wow, I just realized how much I post in here. Feel free to disregard this thread if something more important pops up, this isn't very time sensitive or anything.

So, my sister is seven years old. She's in first grade, and I guess she's kind of a trouble maker. However, it's not intentional. We're in the process of having her screened for autism and such, but we don't have the results yet. Anyways, because of this, she's gotta get punished. I understand and accept this fact. However, the way the school is going about it is unacceptable.

First, they out a weighted vest on her (a method used on autistic children). At that time, we had not even an idea if she had autism. Again, this would have been okay if they got permission from us. They didn't. They didn't even tell us until she came home and told us about her day. They had already been doing this for weeks.

Now, they don't let her sit at her table with other kids. She sits at a counter alone. The other kids tease her because she doesn't really have any friends and say that she's a bad person. Of course, whenever we approach the teacher about this, the teacher either avoids us or insist that she is right and that my sister is a bad child, it makes me sick to see this happening to her. She's in second grade and already being bullied. I think that if I don't do something now, my sister will be bullied her whole life. Any ideas on how I can help her? Also, sorry this was so long!

2 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-03-30 17:42 ID:zjZQfo5L [Del]

What you need to do is firmly talk to the teacher, and if she insists that your sister is being a shit ask why, and why she is resorting to these methods. And if this gets you no-where then bring out your inner Walmart anger that is the bane of all Walmart employees existence and bring this to a higher level. Under no circumstance should a teacher be fucking around like this.

3 Name: Sadashi : 2016-03-30 19:47 ID:MhLLd4mo [Del]

I agree you do need to talk to the teacher. Especially if she has autism, she needs to learn how to work with other people and separating her from the rest of the students defiantly won't help with that. Also if she doesn't already know, bring awareness to the teacher about the bullying. If the teacher doesn't do anything about it you could try talking to the principle about whats happening.

4 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-30 20:38 ID:2fObzmEj [Del]

>>2 >>3 The thing is, we've tried to talk to the teacher and she doesn't listen. And the principle isn't doing anything but insisting that my sister can't go to school there and they're both trying to get her kicked out.

5 Name: kurosuke !KurohFVTN. : 2016-03-30 20:46 ID:oHxkElJi [Del]

>>4 cant she transfer schools?? i mean maybe not the best method, but you could at least avoid the problem.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-30 23:59 ID:rnaT5sEv [Del]

"Autism: a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts."

I still don't know what autism is. Nor do I know what a weighted vest is, but, her teachers are being dicks, aren't they?

7 Name: ShinAttha : 2016-03-31 09:28 ID:0Aeg99hE [Del]

>>5 I think the same.
If the teacher behaves like that and she hasn't made any important connections yet, I think transferring would be the best choice.

8 Name: Mako !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2016-03-31 12:03 ID:a+r3EdQp [Del]

>>5 >>6 This is what I would ask we do from my mom, but we live in a small town. The only other place she could go is a private school that we don't have the money for...