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Identity Issues (8)

1 Name: 青い : 2016-03-30 01:23 ID:kYq2Klrp [Del]

When I was little I always thought I was supposed to be a girl, I don't know why, but I did. I forced myself to push these feelings down because I thought they were too weird, but recently they came back, I don't know what to do. Am I a boy or a girl? I have no idea... (FYI, I am a guy).

2 Name: BarabiSama !lmBitchbiw : 2016-03-30 02:18 ID:IjUzLjrq [Del]

You are you. Nobody can tell you who you are or what you're supposed to be no matter how much information you give them, and you should reconsider associating with anyone who does. These sorts of decisions are entirely your own.

Food for thought: Does it matter if you are a boy or a girl? Is it just a feeling, or do you think there are things girls can do or wear or say that you can't, as if being a boy is restricting you?


Sometimes, we people have interests that lie outside the norms of society. This doesn't have to change who we are or make us less of us. It just means that expressing ourselves goes hand-in-hand with harsh words and criticism that not everyone can bear.

Labeling yourself something else and standing in with a group that matches you better will produce a shield, but even that can only take so many blows before it has to recharge, and it puts you in yet another society with restrictions that your interests may lie outside of.

That's why understanding the core of a problem is more important than finding a comforting word to describe your role in it, in my opinion.

3 Name: doorman : 2016-03-30 09:13 ID:oyHvCV/b [Del]

so you used to be a trap is but arent anymore but want to be one again?

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-30 09:26 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

>>3 Hurr durr

>>1 You're you. Figure it out, but don't worry too much about it.

5 Name: Yuki : 2016-03-30 10:39 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

You are who you choose to be. It doesn't metter if you're a boy or girl, just as long as YOU are happy. Don't do things just to please others. Do what you think is right to make yourself the most comfortable.

6 Name: Marx : 2016-03-30 14:48 ID:BrfT7Nu8 [Del]

Hey! I had these problems a year ago as well, I always thought I was a boy, and now, well, I'm a man! You are what you feel to be! And you dont have to be one gender, you could also be non binary, or genderfluid :)

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-31 00:19 ID:rnaT5sEv [Del]

Just fill out "Male" on any information sheet.

Then tell everyone what gender you want to be.
Though I doubt anyone really cares.

8 Name: Anselle : 2016-03-31 01:05 ID:MRvRhvxb [Del]

Personally I sort of recognize as gender fluid. I don't give a shit if I look like a girl or a boy, I just wake up and if I feel it, wear makeup. Its normal to be confused. The truth should come to you in the end.