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She wont go away (8)

1 Name: Yuki : 2016-03-28 11:23 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

so, back in middle school, this girl snaked her way into my friend group. I wasn't really all that fond of her, but she seemed okay. My friends and i get together online alot, and i think someone added her.When i went online a little later, there was a lot of arguing. Then one of my fiends made a comment, and things BLEW UP. Everything took a turn for the worse, and everyone was getting fed up with her. She kept complaining that she had no friends and that no one liked her, and when we tried to help her, she just pushed us away. THEN when we left her alone, like she SCREAMED at us to do, she would complain that nobody cared. She constantly was throwing insults, and calling us names, calling us useless, calling us mean and terrible people, but we were only trying to help her... She diagnosed herself from a WEBSITE with depression and ASPD (Antisocial personality disorder) whic made me FURIOUS because I had to go through BOTH tose as a child, and she had no idea just how horrible it was. Eventually, we all got sick of her and kicked Her off our online meetup, and things Died down. But shes snaking her way back into my friend group, trying to get us to feel sorry for er again. The worse part is, my friends got the worse of it and I feel like I did nothing to Help them. How do I get her to stay out of my life?
(My H Key is sticky, sorry."

2 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 12:04 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

Sounds like they need to learn that everyone has shit on their plate, and that her behavior is incredibly self centered. This is just my opinion of course, but I feel they're just looking for attention.

Kind of tough to get others to take interest in you when you have no real personality besides the labels you give yourself.

I know I'm being a bit of an ass but I don't put up with people like that. Nobody needs to deal with their bullshit just because they can't handle the same stress and insecurities as everyone else.

Maybe all they need is to see is that everyone has personal problems.

3 Name: Shibuya_KH : 2016-03-28 12:26 ID:VFT4Md0E [Del]

Why you want her to stay out of your life?
She have problems, you passed through it before and you probably know how she is feeling right now.
What are you saying?...
No, you and your friends didn't helped her. If you really want to help her, you have to go further than simply giving her advice. Because in her state, she will refuse any advice you tell her. She doesn't believe anymore in society, so you have two options:

Help her to make new friends and of course you and your friends try to be gentle and friendly with her.

Or you can continue with your daily and happy lives, and ignore the girl, or disregard her or... (Many options here)

Choose the right one. Please

4 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 12:35 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I've always been taught people don't change unless they actually want to. I figure people are usually so stubborn because it's hard to take responsibility, and easy to get defensive.

It's important for people to not blame others for their own disatisfaction. If you want anything, it's up to you to make it happen.

5 Name: Yuki : 2016-03-28 13:30 ID:cRnghM0k [Del]

>>3, WE TRIED. we wanted to help her make new friend, we wanted to get her on her feet again, but like I said, when we tried, she just pushed us away.

6 Name: Yuki : 2016-03-28 13:32 ID:cRnghM0k [Del]

(Btw, thx for the help guys, it means a lot.)

7 Name: firelily : 2016-03-28 18:44 ID:f6UMO1C6 [Del]

did you try blocking her on the internet??? try only being friends with her in person, and then let her join yall on the internet once yall feel she can be trusted again.

or try recording/screen shotting her actions and make her look at what she is doing herself, maybe she dosnt notice how nasty she is being? maybe she will change if she sees it from your POV?

try to get her to talk to a counselor or a therapist, if she really think she has those disorders then she should be willing to get help, and cooperate

(maybe she dosnt get enough attention anywhere else and is bothering yall because yall are giving her attention, positive or negative, its better than nothing to some ppl)

8 Name: Honoka : 2016-03-28 22:05 ID:qgkQakTq [Del]

Going off what FindMuck and Firelily said, this person is definitely trying to get some attention. They've covered most of what I wanted to say but I wanted to leave my opinion.
I've met plenty of people like that, and they're not good. You can't turn a person who's not trying to be happy into a person who's happy and I don't think she gets that and that's not going to happen easily. It doesn't sound like anyone in your group enjoys her company or her little outbreaks. She might be guilt tripping you into keeping her around. (Though I don't know her, I can't say that for sure.) If I we're you, I'd just block her. She's making you unhappy, she's making herself unhappy, it's just a waste of everyone's time and energy. I think she may need some help from someone like a therapist like Firelily said.

But.. I'm going to say the opposite of what Shibuya_KH said, why DO you want her in your life? I'm not trying to sound negative but I don't think this is a very good relationship. :(

(Sorry if I sounded too negative. I just woke up and I still don't have all my thoughts together, haha!)