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I need help. (8)

1 Name: kikyo : 2016-03-27 18:20 ID:2tc0y8SS [Del]

I need help. I found out the guy I love has a girlfriend. He told me he loved me to. But to find out he has. Girlfriend and didnt tell me. Im so upset and I dont know what to do. He asked me to wait for him but I dont know. I dont want to hurt anymore. I love him. But im not sure if he really loves me back. I dont want to lose him. Please help... please I need someone.

2 Name: Valdr : 2016-03-27 18:54 ID:hjDAGDnE [Del]

This may be hard to hear, but he may be stringing you along. The best idea is to try and just move on. If he truly loves you, he'll find a way to let you know. So you should probably move on and find someone new.

3 Name: Honoka : 2016-03-27 19:34 ID:qgkQakTq [Del]

Sorry, but like Valdr said, it's probably best to move on. Someone hiding stuff like that could be big trouble and this could end up being a very toxic relationship. It's going to hurt you to end things with him, but it'd hurt much more if you continue going on like this. I would end things now with him and stop talking to him, no one should make you upset like this. :(

4 Name: TallJean : 2016-03-27 19:51 ID:eaXyaKJU [Del]

Is this the same guy you posted about earlier?
But to go with what the others said, don't have him lead you on, he migh be doing it so that when he breaks off of his current relationship, he could just switch to you after he's done.

5 Name: baccano : 2016-03-27 19:53 ID:995oJ6Ui [Del]

I wrote a very long post about this but then it got deleted and i dont feel like re-writing over 70 lines again so im just gonna summarize it

1)you have to make the descision for yourself dont let other posts be "have faith in love" or "dump him" they dont know the situation well enough to make a desicion the only person that can make it is YOU so im gonna try to help you make it

2)why cant he just dump her right away....why do you have to wait for him....i dont understand? Why?

3)if your answer to the previous question is idk then i would suggest putting him on an ultimatum as you come out winning in both results whether he chooses her or you....its better than the situation you're currently at (as for the time of the ultimatum you should decide that but a week is good enough time for him to break up

4)if there indeed is a reason for him not being able to dump her right away then fact check that reason and if that reason gives him the freedom to contimue datingbher for a while then no matter what it the ultimatum and make sure he doesnt waver you on backing out of it....DONT or else be prepared to live in doubt

5)i dont know for sure whether he likes you or not....he could....just dont let yourself be fooled by ANYONE and by anyone i mean yourself included cause you could be fooling yourself into thinking he doesnt like you....just be smart about this and i hope answering the questions above and reading this post would help you make a desicion but unfortunately i cant make it for you

6 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-27 21:10 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

It's probably a good idea to just move on. If he really loved you, he would have went for you. Trying to wait for him to see if he loves you may hurt you more than you think and it will slowly eat at you on the inside without you knowing. Also, if you wana end up in a relationship, just find a guy who will love you for who you are and won't leave you for someone else.

7 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-03-28 10:07 ID:XHKHx5zU [Del]

I'd just like to kinda chime in and say you don't want a guy that fucks around like that. Chances are, he'd do the same thing to you as he is doing in his current relationship. That kind of behavior is super trashy and even a little manipulative. You don't want that in a relationship. You don't want to be with someone who just strings along other girls on the side without anyone being aware if it.

8 Name: Yuki : 2016-03-28 10:58 ID:TfgmmR9r [Del]

If he doesn't love you, and you alone, es no good for you. You deserve better than that.