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Need advice talking to people... (7)

1 Name: idon'tknow : 2016-03-22 18:29 ID:8KTWse+z [Del]

I'm really bad at talking to people. I sort of have this social anxiety and makes me want to avoid people and talk abnormally.

My mom says I talk like I'm interviewing somebody asking questions like "how was your first car, what kind of food do you like, what's your favorite type of pet?" stuff like that, or for me I think I spill out too much personal information too early.

I haven't really reached that "sweet spot" yet and I'm just starting to talk to acquaintances again that I want to connect with more, plus people/artist online are chatting with me and are starting to become good friends.

Please help

2 Name: Topman : 2016-03-22 19:10 ID:8Ygb1HGX [Del]

Just be yourself, talk to people if and when you feel comfortable to. It helps me sometimes to try to remember that the people I'm talking to are human also, and with that flawed in their own way. This way if I make a mistake like saying too much, or not enough, I just allow myself to learn from it. We can only learn from making mistakes so if your worried about doing that, don't be. Easier said than done I know.

3 Name: Draca !5e4HfpITiY : 2016-03-22 20:24 ID:e88hRIJz [Del]

I agree, there's nothing wrong with being straight forward, it can be an advantage for you sometimes. I found it very difficult to know what to say to people for a long time but i found that I was able to get past that when I got a job in check outs. Not difficult work by any means, but by forcing myself to have to take part in that environment, after a few months I noticed certain patterns in what's considered a 'normal' or 'appropriate' conversation starter/topic in accordance to times of week, day and the sort of person.

It really is just one of those things that takes practice, you'll get there. If you're concerned that you're not saying appropriate things you could always look up ways of speaking to people on the internet. My dad bought my brother various conversation starter books and cards so he could practice striking up conversations, that could be a way? I've found that if you be upfront and say something like "i'm awkward and bad at talking so i'll just use a conversation starter (or something like that) to give us a topic..." most people will have a chuckle and go along with you without problems or judgement.

I hope that's helpful :)

4 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-22 20:29 ID:ArutQtgG [Del]

If you want to practice, you can always pretend you're mute and start by conversing with texts.
It will give you extra time to consider what you really want to say.

5 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-23 06:11 ID:fCzdNbzQ [Del]

Don't ask any questions that aren't related to the current topic. If you do, somehow relate it.

Otherwise, shut up. Or maybe talk about something that happened to you that was funny that day.

6 Name: Weems!qOZ/MagevI : 2016-03-23 10:19 ID:ykP7eex1 [Del]

Alright man, let me tell what I think the secret is to meeting people. When first getting to know someone, keep yourself positive and confident. Even if you really aren't, a false sense of bravado can go a long way. Attitude is key when making initial impressions.

Next is talking. At first talk about somewhat broad topics that most people can relate (and that you can relate to as well.) An example of this could be like "Hey, did you see that episode of ____?", or "Did you hear about how _____ is happening?" And after that just try to match the flow of conversation, meaning speak what you think about the topic and don't be afraid to state somewhat unpopular opinions if you have them.

If you find yourself having a hard time striking up the conversation, I would agree with >>3. Sometimes just being a bit quirky and saying that you are awkward will come off as inexperienced and gentle.

The most important part is to have fun with it and put your heart into it. If you show you are making the effort to try and get to know someone most people will respond with a similar effort.

I don't know if you thought my advice was helpful, but even if you didn't, good luck in your pursuits friend, and if you ever want to talk I plan on being on here pretty often.

7 Name: Weems!qOZ/MagevI : 2016-03-23 10:22 ID:ykP7eex1 [Del]

Also because I forgot to say it in my post, inexperienced isn't bad. If anything, it can be seen as endearing and honest, which most people see as great things.