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A little general help for everybody with a problem on social relations (9)

1 Name: Me~ : 2016-03-22 17:44 ID:gqkgQ8C4 [Del]

You know? I have been putting some seeeeeeerious amount of time on studying some human relations! (I want to become a diplomat in the future), and I decided that... I... I.. IIIIIIII~~
(still reading!? Nice! so you want to learn something!)
Ok, Ill keep the example really small, but, look at the first sentences of this post. Look at it, read it, read it once, read it twice, read it as much as you want! and whats the feeling that you get from it? cmon! tell me! don't be afraid!
You feel that you ulterly, completelly, ultimately, fully and universaly!...
you don't care if I have been studying shit for 2, 3, 4, 102381092423 months! you don't care if I want to be a diplomat! you don't care about anything about me! you just care about yourself! Oh! wait a moment! Am I calling you egoist? HA! far from it! you couldnt be more human than you already are by don't caring, its human nature!
Humans are by nature selfish beings! calling for attention! craving for a feeling of importance! (people can even get insane without these, like, for real, you can do some search on the internet now, go on, this text wont create legs XD (I hope not)). And you just started to read this because you wanted to know what I had to OFFER to YOU! for your own satisfaction!
And for your happyness It wont stop here!.
So, In a nutshell, lets comply everything that I have been talking about so far:
"Every normal human being craves for importance, and is selfish to a certain degree, it doesnt matter if he/she is giving away or is some kind of "mother teresa", every human has a way of feeling important, some of them kill, some of them give away. But the reality wont change! they want to feel happy, and nobody can do this for them! they live for themselves and only themselves!"
BUT! WAAAIIITTTT dont scroll down just yet.
Here comes the so called "Matrix Bug" "Mind Hack" "Reallity Glitch":
People love people that are interested on them! Weird isnt it?
Like: I have been talking all the time till now about how people are selfish and only live for themselves, and now Iam telling you that people like when people like them? where the hell is this going to help you? What the hell?
The ultimate rule of making friends and mataining relationships is simple!
(here comes the funniest part of the social relations):
"Be interested GENUINELY(like, for real, don't be one of those douche bags that dont even listen when you talking, doing such thing is what haunts diplomats across the world on their nightmares) on other people, talk about THEM, talk about THEIR lifes, wifes, husbands, kids, houses, money. And only talk about yourself when asked"
Then, you ask: "HA! if this is so easy, why do we have so many wars, why so much hate? why so many people dont get along themselves? where the awnser is right there!? you crazy, this dont work!"
Well, my friend, as I said, humans are selfish, they just care for themselves, and to be able to create relations between ourselves, we have advanced to the point where we need ultimatelly to actually study other people, we need to write and read books on the subject to teach others to make friends! funny isnt it?

Well! Iam really impressed that you looked the whole post! (Or have you just scrolled down?)
Hope that... Nah! Iam sure this will help somebody!
Apply this little, insignificant, miserable rule to your lifestyle, lean back and relax and get ready to see people being more friendly towards you!

(jk, nobody wants peace XD)

2 Name: Weems!qOZ/MagevI : 2016-03-22 17:57 ID:ykP7eex1 [Del]

1.)I do not care about you because I do not know you. That is the truth.

2.) Humans are an incredibly diverse species with varying personalities. Some people are mindbogglingly selfish and others would give you the shirt off their back even if it was their only shirt.

3.)The best way to meet people is to just talk to people and find similarities. That's it. Don't berate them. Don't act all smug if you like something they don't. Just talk with them and show an interest in them.

4.) Learn to break your posts up into paragraphs. Seriously, looking at your wall of text is an eyesore.

3 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-22 19:14 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

What Weems said. And I couldn't read through all of it, my eyes P_P


4 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-22 20:25 ID:ArutQtgG [Del]

You sound like a raper.

5 Name: Draca !5e4HfpITiY : 2016-03-22 20:37 ID:e88hRIJz [Del]

I'm intrigued by why you're saying what you are.

Are you being serious?

Are you trying to troll us?

Do you actually believe what you're advocating? If so, I'd love to actually hear your reasoning.

Yes, when we are on the internet we go looking for things that interest ourselves so that we may benefit from it. But that doesn't automatically make it selfishly skewed.
I personally enjoy being able to share some of my observations of how life goes with others in hope that something I have learnt myself will benefit another person.

Though I do admit, you sound like a maniac.

You also sound like your trying to copy Izaya, but I suppose that's not all too uncommon here.

6 Name: Neige !h45CN3bvL2 : 2016-03-22 23:49 ID:Nw4TVmUk [Del]

>>4 "Raper"

The edge in this post is brilliant btw.

7 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-03-22 23:53 ID:ArutQtgG [Del]

was supposed to be rapper.
for some reason it was auto-corrected.

8 Name: Me~ : 2016-03-23 04:29 ID:gqkgQ8C4 [Del]

oh, Well, I admit that I was trying to become a raper back on my childhood days... But, well... It didn't went as planned XD

And... Hm... Well, I can't really agree with you Draca, like, I don't really see how I could be a maniac, or be trying to copy Izaya, in fact, everything I wrote down in the post is true, this post is like a little part of the results of years or research by other persons like Napoleon Hills and Dale Carnegie.

I am not sure if anyone here ever heard of those people, but its true, human relations are like that. And... I must also admit that I really (no jokes) find it really interresting or funny, like, sometimes when I see a couple having problems that are just too dumb (of course they don't knwo how easy it is to solve it, otherwise it wouldn't happen), I either find it ultimatelly dumb and try to get away from the place, or just burst out laughing at the first opportunity.

Hm... I am sorry if it didn't really fullfilled the expections of everyone, but if you guys want, just open a new tab on google and search "Dale Carnegile How to Win Friends and Influence People". Its a 205 page PDF archive, but that is full of usefull information on general on human relations.

Also, read "The Flick of the Switch"(I am not sure if this is the name of the book) by Jack Schafer. It is a book as the first one, but it is focused on conquering people by non-verbal mensages, really useful!

9 Name: Weems!qOZ/MagevI : 2016-03-23 12:20 ID:ykP7eex1 [Del]

I am going to let you in on a secret. There are plenty of different fields of research in this world, and they are constantly changing theories about how things work. The human psyche is a very delicate subject because there is no way to measure how something affects it. There is no such thing as definitive results with the human psyche because there are too many factors that can effect it. Look at Freud's research, many psychologists now disregard it. Although I am glad you did actually do some research instead of just posting bullshit, I am going to have to disagree with you. There are so many cases of people sacrificing themselves to protect loved ones, and so many cases of people sacrificing others to save themselves.

I'm trying to say that making a generalization and saying that all humans are selfish and egotistical is stupid. Human nature? There is no such thing. Some people are timid and some are outgoing.

From a logical standpoint by making the statement, " All humans are selfish," You have to disprove every example against said statement. Otherwise, if there is even one singular being who is selfless and acts selfless, your statement is proven false.

I do not actually believe you have done years of research, if anything you sound like a teenager trying to sound smart, or like an Izaya wannabe like Draca said. I will not respond to this thread anymore, and will not bump it.