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So I need some relationship advice... (2)

1 Name: Klein !BHXNrqi4GU : 2016-03-22 14:55 ID:TpGShqF0 [Del]

Last year, I had a pretty bad break up, and even though it was bad I stayed friends with my ex. She wanted to wait until I could move out to her location, and didn't want to do the long distance relationship thing, and I understand that(She also said we knew nothing about each other even though we had been IRL friends before she left). Even though we broke up she treats me like nothing has changed and even tells me she loves me. I love her back but this is starting to take a toll on me because I'm not so sure if she loves me anymore and is just playing with me because she finds it funny.

2 Name: Me~ : 2016-03-22 18:02 ID:gqkgQ8C4 [Del]

hehehehehehehe, Iam sorry, but these kinds of problems are really funny XD
ok, you have just though "What an asshole! Iam witha problem and hes mocking me, go fuck yourself!" I agree, XD Iam being an asshole! BUT! I can help ya.
(serious mode activated)
You know why I find this kind of problems funny (long relationships)? Cuz, they are, the worst kind of relationship ever created by man! of course, you can get a small relationship going just by making somebody fell important or so, pff, easy, but what comes next, is manteining the relation ship.
Lets get back to the 1st rule, "take the point of view of the other people" go and look from her point of view, you think you are "not sure if she loves you"? Well, she loved you, and broke up because, dude, honestly, a long-range relationship is really hard to mantain, she might be thinking "Will he wait for me?... Or will he change me for annother one?", if she really loves you, then you should just keep on telling her that you will be with her, tell her to wait, but dont just do this, keep her up on news, keep feeding her hopes, dont leave it die, because if it dies, dude, you do better get ready to move on.
You think she is playing with you am I right?
Go back to when you guys met IRL, did she used to play with other people? how was your relationship back at that time? how did your relationship "escalated quickly" or grew like a child? with love and protection? These are just points that you need to take in consideration before deciding if someone is manipulating/playing with you.
For the sake of this help, Ill list here some of the points you should consider:
1. Is she a manipulative person?
2. Do she really cares about you?
3. Was your relationship good in the past?
4. Is she... Well... Am... A... Bitch? (yeah, it does matter)
5. How does she handles you? (does she make you do stupid things, do she uses you to make revenges or so?)
And to end it!
Why would she keep playing with you after so much time? it would be at least a waste of her time to play with somebody she dont really care, or have any use.
Belive me, as a Player I can tell you, manipulating people who you dont really have a "job" to be done with, is REALLY BORING, its like having a piece on your hand but don't knowing where to put it.
At the minimum frustrating.
Well, I guess we can exclude this from your list.

Ok, I can't really help you any longer, because you didn't even made a question T_T, ok, So, Ill leave this for now, if you have a question or something, just send it to this email:

and Ill check it and awnser!.
good luck <3