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Need Suggestions (12)

1 Name: Nami : 2016-03-19 20:08 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

Im a girl who grew up around boys, because of my brother. So i now became a gamer, a girl with decent look. Its always been easier for me to make friends with guys. Girls in school thinks im just bitch( makes me dont even want to talk girls even more)
and with guys im just trying to be really good friends, which i succeeds. But some of the guy start having special feelings, and i dont feel anything. Is it really me being bitchy?

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-19 21:05 ID:hrnYDQAe [Del]

No, they're delusional.

3 Name: Mako : 2016-03-19 21:05 ID:2fObzmEj [Del]

No, you're not being 'bitchy'! You simply don't like them that way, so don't beat yourself up about it :)

4 Name: Krista : 2016-03-19 21:17 ID:bdqCNoUe [Del]

You're entitled to your own feelings. If you don't like them that way, then you don't like them that way. It's not that you're being bitchy. You do you.

5 Name: Nami : 2016-03-19 23:15 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

Its just the girls in school will be like "I took their boy" and will make me an outcast. And spreads rumors saying im a slut and stuff.. the guys trust me, and tells me what the girls tell them about me. which then the girls find out and get more piss at me.

6 Name: M@DH@TT3R : 2016-03-21 12:18 ID:ofuPmWs/ [Del]

youre not a bitch
youre just a girl who would rather hang out with and be friends with guys than girls
the girls who are messing with you are the bitches
theyre just jealous because guys like you more than them
just keep doin you girl

7 Name: Nami : 2016-03-23 19:54 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

Okay! that makes me happy. i really dont wanna be the bitch thank you guys XD

8 Name: Doctor Satoru Yakemishi : 2016-03-24 14:05 ID:nUh8GEne [Del]

Strange.. I saw this on a tumblr post.

You're not a bitch, although there's no reason to assume yourself as one. You have your own interests in whatever /you/ do.
Just be easy on the guy's feelings, you may not feel something for them, but just let them know that you'll still be there for them instead of any harsh decisions.

9 Name: Topman : 2016-03-24 14:45 ID:8Ygb1HGX [Del]

I'm so glad I'm not the only one to hang around with guys! I'm a girl but my friends joke that I have more balls with them, hence my username.
I get that to, some girls just think I want the guys to fall for me or something and it's not like that at all, though unfortunately it does occasionally happen.
Just be yourself, leave those girls to be jealous, it's kind of funny because they have it all wrong

10 Name: Nami : 2016-04-11 22:59 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

Yes i have told the guys that have special feelings for me that i dont like them that way. And i will still help if they do anything. They seem fine with it. And now the girls are just getting even worse, now i actually cant stand hanginga around them. Theyre just being a total dick to me.

11 Name: Dark Rose : 2016-04-12 07:43 ID:TLpiI4T4 [Del]

that's better then with me. Everyone pretends I don't exist. Anyway. So what if the girls hate you! If you like hanging out with the guys hang out with the guys! I may not have more then two friends. but I'm a girl and I like hanging out with guys (if their not crazy). The girls just need to suck it up! I have a guess and I'm probably more then wrong so don't hold me for saying this but I bet that they girls are jealous that your hang out with the guys. The migh like the guy that likes you. Again just a guess.

12 Name: Nami : 2016-04-13 10:41 ID:US30o/VA [Del]

Lol its just awkward in bathrooms and dressing rooms