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Making Friends (12)

1 Name: the little birdy !TbPhix9DQk : 2016-03-17 22:33 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

Hey there all, so, I was just wanting some advice on how to make some new friends. After I entered high school, everyone sort of split up and I was too late to find a place so, long story short, I sit alone. Yup, I am the outcast. I used to approach other groups with old friends in them, but people are so mean.
Honestly, it's been so long that i barely remember how to meet new people. So, really I guess I am asking, if you know any good advice, how do I approach people? In what ways can I make new friends?
Thanks for your help! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-17 22:49 ID:hrnYDQAe [Del]

Talk to the person next to you in class. About anything.
Keep sitting next to them and talking to them, then one day, you'll realize that your his friend.

3 Name: Kurosuke !ZhEadTxef6 : 2016-03-18 02:42 ID:os0+qVGe [Del]

If you think that people dont care about you... then Care for yourself first.. dont rush things..

im an outcast too.. until i approached someone like me and now were best of friends.

i also managed to have many friend when i joined an organization..

Sometimes.. confidence makes a difference..

4 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-18 17:11 ID:RfEUjQKB [Del]

Try to find people who will like you for you and that have similar interests as you. Those kinds of friendships work out the best.

5 Name: the little birdy !TbPhix9DQk : 2016-03-19 02:39 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

>>4 How do I find them though? I've tried joining clubs, but I can't really befriend anyone, and people I talk to end up pushing me away

6 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-03-19 05:48 ID:InLzHDtD [Del]

>>5 just keep doing what you're doing. Eventually someone will want to talk to you.

7 Name: Manga Owl : 2016-03-19 06:49 ID:tFKivIi0 [Del]

Heyyy I've been in six schools over the course of my patchy educational career, and the best thing to do, really is to smile a lot, talk and be friendly in class, if not outside, and screw up your courage to ask people. Try looking for other people like yourself i.e., other outcasts, other quiet people -- or if you read, look for people who read, or if you write, look for people who write. If people are so mean to the extent that even though you stay friendly you're still alone, then the only advice I can give you is don't stop being friendly. Try making friends with the people sitting next to you in class. All the best:) keep us updated on what happens.

8 Name: Ann : 2016-03-19 20:00 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

1. Join clubs/sports. this is usually the easiest way.
2. Talk to your table mates. [i made some friends this way]
3. Approach people who seems like they have the same interest.

this is all i can think off, since i dont make much friends, and usually is people approaching me and we usually become besties.

9 Name: Krista : 2016-03-19 21:25 ID:bdqCNoUe [Del]

I'm a complete idiot, so what I do is just walk up to random people and sit with them and start a conversation from out of nowhere.

10 Name: the little birdy !TbPhix9DQk : 2016-03-19 22:36 ID:v0rcXq9S [Del]

>>9 starting conversations is one of my weaknesses, it's always really awkward when I try

11 Name: Ann : 2016-03-19 23:17 ID:fTZ68/22 [Del]

same here, i always start out conversation super weird... i will be like "so how are you today?" or "how's life treating you?"

12 Name: firefly : 2016-03-19 23:53 ID:60zmP1GR [Del]

i'm not great at making new friends but here's my advice:
maybe you can start with a question about something interesting you noticed about them? and it would be even better if you asked in a way that compliments the person ;D

and ask with confidence.. don't think that you are bothering them with your attention. your time is important so they should feel honored XD (btw, that's how i hype myself up before i have to begin any sort of human interaction hahaha..)