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Broken Family (8)

1 Name: Xivass : 2016-03-10 22:16 ID:QDGy1iqb [Del]

You know what, I have depression,from years of being neglected and treated like I was a nanny instead of a daughter. My mother was pregnant again too so she used that as an excuse to keep harassing me. I hated being in that house and she knew it. She was always going out and leaving me to babysit. Celt I never got paid or got to go out much myself and when I did go out I was yelled at that I'm always in the streets and out with freinds. ThaT made me mad because she described herself and tried to say that I was acting like her. When I worked a job that paid $500 a week and she asked for it as rent money (I was 20 when I was working and giving her all my money even though she knew I wanted to move out) after telling her I didn't want to take care of the kids (my siblings) she cussed me out and called me a worthless piece of shit. Even though I was the one taking care of kids that weren't mine, cleaning every fucking hour, and fighting not to kill myself. I had enough and left the house. Packed 7 bags and left the house. Packed my small closet and locked the things I couldn't take with me away. Only to have the lock broken and my stuff thrown away and told by the woman who gave me birth that she hopes I die for being such an ungrateful child. She also disowned me. And threw all my stuff away. Great. Anyway I now live with my uncle but can't fucking get a job now. I'm broke and every time I go to an interview I can't ever get a callback after them. Does anyone have any advise on what to say during a job interview and what not to say? I've been without a job for over a year and I literally have no good clothes or shoes for the interviews which I feel always ruins my chances on getting the job.

2 Name: firefly : 2016-03-10 23:02 ID:4RUXDf/D [Del]

I don't even know what to say...
you have to be fucking strong to have lived like that for 20 years, and feeling depressed and occasionally crying doesn't take away from that strength.

as for the interviews, have you looked around for organizations that lend interview clothes to disadvantaged job seekers? I believe these organizations, like Career Gear, also provide mentoring and professional development programs.

it sucks being turned down interview after interview (i know how that feels like) but really, all we can do is keep applying.

I really hope you gain your footing again.

3 Name: Kurosuke !ZhEadTxef6 : 2016-03-11 00:09 ID:1xNygfeF [Del]

ugh.. i think your mother is the ungrateful one..

i guess you have to start applying for blue collar jobs rather than white collar ones.

and I agree with >>2 firefly just dont give up in applying for jobs.. you'll get what you deserve soon..

and pray too.. even though im Agnostic i still believe in Him.. sometimes it let out a few of your stress.. But if you just want to.

I wish you Luck

4 Name: Xivass : 2016-03-11 18:30 ID:L6fzfJ8u [Del]

I tried looking for the programs yesterday but they are in the next town over and I have no way of getting there but luckily I've been greatgoing to church and they give me aome clothes and shoes that are not so messed up. The even helped me last night with a place to stay for the night, I was so happy I cried. The office have me prt time job for bit while I keep looking for work. Thank you guy guys for the help. Honestly my mom once found my poem journal and she yelled at me because my poems were so sad and suicidal but what she didn't understand was that writing down how I felt made me a little better. She just kept yelling at me and then took the journal and my drawing away. Made me really sad that she didn't talk to me, but I just wanted her to see me for me and not the man who abused her when she was younger. And I felt like she was taking it out on me because I look like him literally I got all my genes from him and she'd like always get really offended when people would say that I look like her. Like okay thanks for ruining my self asteem. -sigh- I just wanted her to love me lime a daughter and for her stop seeing me as a dam nanny

5 Name: Xivass : 2016-03-11 18:31 ID:L6fzfJ8u [Del]

Thank you guys for your advise and help and good wishes I really appreciate them.

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-11 18:46 ID:hrnYDQAe [Del]

>>4 Turn to religion.

7 Name: Sakusha : 2016-03-11 20:34 ID:OUI1dCIu [Del]

Depression is indeed torturing. But well, remember what Celty said once? The world is not as cruel as you make it to be. Find hope. Faith. Find something, or someone you can trust or believe. Stay strong. If you need someone to talk to, ask me (Kik: MidRav). After all, I have it too. I hope you will be happy :)

8 Name: firefly : 2016-03-11 23:14 ID:4RUXDf/D [Del]

I'm really happy that you found people to support you through this...

I'll be cheering for you