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serious question (6)

1 Name: Feather : 2016-03-09 01:10 ID:gJ9gDLbd [Del]

I hear people say this alot.
they say if you're an a abusive relationship you should do what you can to get out but I have something I need to know...
what if it's for the person's benefit.
my group of friends at school aren't the nicest...they've never beaten me but they caused harm to me sometimes purposely. but they still have nice qualities but I digress.
I'm asking if I should stay with this group and keep them in balance because it seems when I'm not around they do much worse and tare each other apart and drag others...

is it so wrong to take the abuse?

2 Name: Kurosuke : 2016-03-09 02:11 ID:fD/G6KB5 [Del]

just do what you think is right I guess?

3 Name: firefly : 2016-03-09 03:34 ID:4RUXDf/D [Del]

how much do you care about them?

personally, my choice would depend on how much i think they are abusing me and how much i care about them.

4 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-09 04:22 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

Rare view. Unnaturally these days, people tend to look at their rights and not their responsibilities. Your right is to be from them, your responsibility is the knowledge you have of them.

Personal choice. If you feel you need to keep them under control, I say do it. But if you yourself start to chip away because of them, then leave. It's not worth your character being destroyed just because of this duty. Fulfill as much as you can but don't ruin yourself.

A person hanging around the musk seller will smell like musk. A person hanging around a black smith will smell like soot.

5 Name: Transfusion : 2016-03-09 08:08 ID:LaGU4Bv6 [Del]

Questions to ask yourself:
1. Are you scared of being with them.
2. Is it worth being hurt?
3. Are they trouble makers.
4. If 3 was answered yes what happens when things go south and they group you with them? Will your safety still be guaranteed?

6 Name: Xeon : 2016-03-10 02:15 ID:6sOyHp3p [Del]

Maybe your friends just do that because they feel you guys are close, just like me and my friends we tend to hurt each other but not take it too far to hurt each other seriously,you're talking about them harming you,but in what way? and do you think that you can tolerate or should they stop because they've gone too far,or are you just being used to do errands or something or being a pack mule,you can try to talk to them about it.