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shit got really bad really fast (7)

1 Name: Missy X : 2016-03-07 12:21 ID:HCix/nzN [Del]

so my ex came to my work and literally assaulted me and he got arrested but now his friends hate me so ive been carrying a knife on me and now my hair is short so i cant hide the bruises and if this gets any worse im done with life itself

2 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 14:57 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

Do you have any trusted friends you can stay with to make you feel safer? And you need help from authorities if his friends are thinking of doing anything to you. I'm not sure how to deal with this sort of situation, but go to the police if you feel his friends are a danger to you.

And don't give up on life, please. I'm sure there are people who care deeply about you and will be there for you. And while this may not mean much to you, even though I don't know you, I'd be sad to know you gave up on your life. Hang in there, these things will pass, you have a future don't just give up on it. And stay safe in the meantime.

3 Name: Dafree : 2016-03-07 19:09 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

Leave that area, and start new somewhere else. Explore and take a leap of faith...

HAHAHA DAMN this is corny af, but for real i would move.

4 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-07 19:56 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

>>3 I was going to suggest moving, but thought it might be too drastic... now that you mention it, it's a good option, a very good option to consider.

Keep that option in mind Missy X, you never know :)

5 Name: Missy X : 2016-03-08 12:18 ID:HCix/nzN [Del]

I have a friend who has basically been acting as an escort but he cant be there all the time and if more physical fights start I don't want him to be involved. He claims to be to worried about me and doesn't want this bullshit to continue but i feel as if i can't trust people here anymore. As for moving away i live in a small town and this is the only high school. I don't know where i would go or how i would get there.

6 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-03-08 19:57 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

>>5 There is always the option of homeschooling/online education if you're scared to go to school. (After you finish high school though, it's up to you.)
Glad to hear you have someone you can count on. I don't know if you can trust him, only you know, but he sounds like he cares for your safety at least. Still, my advice stands: if things get ugly or are about to get ugly, go to the police.

7 Name: Storm Zero X : 2016-03-08 20:09 ID:5drs6HRE [Del]

This might seem over used, but inform the police of what is currently happening and provide evidence that the group is harassing you. I don't know if this is to much of a straight forward approach. If your feeling down you have friends that truly care about your well being. Sorry if my English is bad, but never lose hope after all your friends want to see a friend smile. Remember to never give up.