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Would an otaku sharehouse work? (5)

1 Name: 8man : 2016-03-01 04:39 ID:CkIS4+qi [Del]

Just like the title says I want to know what peoples thoughts are on getting a group of otaku, renting a massive house and splitting the rent and bills equally. Would something like this work? How many people would it work best with and would larger numbers like 8-10+ be dangerous and not likely to work very well? And how many people would even consider doing something like this?

There are obviously a lot of factors to consider and we would need to be sure of the people we would be moving in with, but if a group of people with the same kind of lifestyle, that can be very rare depending on where you are, joining together and living together then it could make life a whole lot better for all of us. We would probably need to get to know each other through skype or real life or something for a while first, and sort out finding a place and all of that but if it all goes well then in a years time, or possibly even less it might be able to work out.

And I guess it depends on what you're doing with your life too. If you are just working a simple part time job, maybe even studying as well then it should be fine but people would obviously need a source of income. It shouldn't be too hard though because I've moved out and I only work three days a week, and that's plenty for what I need. Everything will need to be carefully calculated though and give lots of room for error, like having a back up savings especially.

I almost wonder if this kind of thing would be good for people who don't really know what to do with their life, and are just working a simple job so that they are at least earning some kind of income. Or maybe what they really want to do is something that they need to treat as a hobby first and not rely on for money, like being an artist, writer, musician, youtuber or whatever (that you would do in your spare time when you aren't working).

I was talking to a friend about it and if we could we would want to be in a sharehouse like this, assuming it's done right. We are from Melbourne Australia by the way, in case other people in this area are considering it too.

But what are peoples thoughts on this? I don't really see any reason in particular that it would be a bad idea if you can find the right people. And then the other question is if you can even find the right people in your area.

Also, I put this in the personal section because I don't think many people read the individual countries threads, in which I couldn't have my own thread anyway, and since it will have a lot to do with things like what we are doing with our lives and meeting people I figured it would make more sense here. If it really super desperately doesn't belong here then I'll do the thread again on the right board.

2 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-03-01 05:16 ID:vHEfMQc7 [Del]

Depends on the people (this is said after reading the entirety of the post)

3 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-03-01 05:20 ID:hXb2UEiy [Del]

This reminds me a lot of the anime 'Jellyfish princess' (I've forgotten the japanese name). It shows almost exactly what you're thinking about, except it's for otakus who are female.

I'd be interested if I was allowed to be a bit more independent and wasn't getting married soon lol...sounds fun but who knows how it'd go, I've got no experience at all. I'm a Melbournian myself so if you do end up establishing something like this then I wanna check it out ^.^

4 Name: 8man : 2016-03-01 18:41 ID:LfNp+R73 [Del]

Yeah I guess it all really comes down to if we can find decent people, and if their situations work. Would there be a better place to look than on the dollars though?
And I'll check out the anime you mentioned, it's gotten me curious.

5 Name: Setton : 2016-03-03 04:30 ID:QzWPHLHS [Del]

So I've had a 'best friend' who's very clingy, I don't really like her but then.. I dUNNO HOW TO TELL HER.