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My Boyfriend (12)

1 Name: Missy X : 2016-02-29 12:21 ID:HCix/nzN [Del]

My boyfriend has anger problems and he trapped me against a wall and yelled at me in an argument. He swore it would never happen again and I really love him... I just don't know what to do. It scared the c..p out of me and i had never seen him so angry.

2 Name: Yamato : 2016-02-29 13:35 ID:j7SUXN0q [Del]

Well if he has done any physical pain to you then you need break up with him. You should really think about if it the best idea to stay with him if this continues, because even though you love him if it puts you in danger then it is not the best idea to stay with him. However personally I've never been in this situation myself so it is not my choice but yours. However you need to seriously talk to him about how you feel right now and if you want to discuss things that you don't want to post on here then feel free to message me at I will always reply quickly and will help you through anything the best I can.

3 Name: FatherOfTheWolf : 2016-02-29 13:48 ID:c/CnMIaT [Del]

Just break up with him .the truth hurts.He will do it again if he truly loves you he would never do that.He will never hurt you.Choice is yours but i will never hurt any girl .So yes break up you need to be strong

4 Name: Side Character 1 : 2016-02-29 14:39 ID:vbLw4yPe [Del]

I'd recommend that you consider anger management or some type of therapy. However that doesn't mean I think your boyfriend's crazy. I completely understand how it feels to have anger problems. If it gets to the point of abuse, I would recommend either break up with him or call the police. I really hope things between you and your boyfriend get better though.

5 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-29 15:01 ID:gfZ1QR9G [Del]

Couples argue sometimes, it's the way of life. None of us here should have any affect on your decision. If you can find a way to forgive him, then there is no reason for you two to break up. If you can't recover, if every time you see him you reember this time, then it's better for both of you if you guys weren't together.

6 Name: Dafree : 2016-02-29 19:36 ID:RTehfHUk [Del]

What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more...
Idk this reminded me the lyrics.

7 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-29 23:40 ID:vHEfMQc7 [Del]

Did you kick his Xbox or PlayStation? If you did, then you deserved it. If not, try to think about what shit you did to get him so angry

8 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-29 23:46 ID:jJhfqLup [Del]

>>7 What a shit-head thing to say.

9 Name: Rouarra : 2016-03-01 03:36 ID:MiU9yskb [Del]

Give it a chance don't listen to these A** holes just be careful and don't let it affect you too much give it one more chance and if it doesn't work out take a small break if it continues to happen then it's Tim to call it quits at strike 3 but give him some time to change before u call it quits and strike him out

10 Name: Missy X : 2016-03-01 12:10 ID:HCix/nzN [Del]

Thank You for the support you guys. I really don't know what I did to piss him off. I told him to leave me alone for a while but according to his friends he has gotten extremely aggressive since then.

11 Name: 9risu : 2016-03-02 06:25 ID:hWyxPb09 [Del]

Try to help him first. Take him to therapy to teach him control his impulses and manage his anger problems. If he loves you too he'll accept and try it.
I think it's the best thing to do first of all if you truly love him. If you don't see any improvement... well, you'll have to leave him. For your own safety.

Hope this helped you, good luck <3

12 Name: (α|Ω) : 2016-03-02 06:56 ID:puloFHA1 [Del]

>>3 No.

Back to the general topic, from the looks of it i say that in my opinion it's just a lot of stress. Back in my school days i was a lot like your boyfriend, getting very aggressive and yelling at people with really no provocation whatsoever. Don't listen to any "he doesn't love you" bullshit, i can tell you from personal experience thet i used to do that a lot with my gf too but once i made peace with my cause of stress i never felt that way anymore and we've been lovingly together for 5/6 years since then.

In conclusion my suggestion is this, try to understand what's stressing him (ask his friends and family too if he won't give you a straight answer/gets aggressive when you ask), and help him solve. It's most likely an external cause so don't worry about your long-term relationship too much unless you have a real and definite reason to do so. And if he gets angry try to just calmly leave him alone, if he's like i was he's really not in himself those times and whatever complaint/sudden reaction you may have could just add to his stress and do worse for both of you.