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Does He Like Me?(Long Paragraph) (11)

1 Name: Pineapple : 2016-02-25 19:13 ID:WFbfLYKN [Del]

So. I have this "guy friend" and we used to sit next to each other in class last year. He kept calling this girl that came in my class "hot" and even introduced me to his close friend which he called "sister" while hugging her. He would poke me a lot and it annoyed me xD Anyways,the new school year started and when I came to class,he told me "Who are you again?" in front of two of his friends and I just laughed it off with my friends. We got assigned to our seats and he sat behind me. I taught him bad words in my language and he would sometimes call me and tell me the bad words(which is pretty cute). He would tap my shoulder and pretend it wasn't him. Some months later,his seat partner moved away so he moved in the back with another boy. After a while,a girl got moved back to the seat diagonally behind me and he began sitting behind me again. NOW TO THE POINT! He started using this girl's locker that was right above mine so we saw each other a lot. Once,he was opening the girl's locker while I said "Excuse me" to get to my locker. He said "Wait I'm getting something important" and the girl told him "Let her get to her locker". He moved and opened the locker while I opened mine. He got out a big pack of Snickers and handed it to the girl. The girl asked my friend if she wanted any and my friend got some. I said I wanted some to so the girl gave me some. The boy grabbed my bag back and took a bunch of Snickers out,throwing it into my locker. Idk if it means anything...ANYWAYS! He began using the girl's locker very often and maybe its because he wants to see me? Im not sure. He teases me a lot and today,he brought his face really close to mine. So I want to know if he likes me or not...

PS. He flirts with a lot of ppl.

2 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-25 20:04 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

Ask him, maybe?

3 Name: Transfusion : 2016-02-26 10:20 ID:LaGU4Bv6 [Del]

This is just my personal opinion, but don't date a flirt. If they are the flirty type they won't magically change because they are dating you. They will continue their usual style of being and that will affect you psychologically. If you can deal with the fact that he could be interested in other women and he can play it off as it is just his way of speaking proceed with caution otherwise he is just trying to be a player. Don't go ahead unless you want your heart and emotions to be tampered with.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-26 14:03 ID:zC9WqVjN [Del]

>>1 i think he doesn't *like you* but just likes to kid around with girls.douchebags will always continue to be a douchebag,if he says he likes you he probably is lying and only wants to get into your pants.

5 Name: Pineapple : 2016-02-26 16:46 ID:WFbfLYKN [Del]

>>2 >>3 >>4 I forgot to add a little thing that might be important. Some days ago, I was walking to math class with my bestie and we crossed paths with Romeo(lets call him that). His friend pushed him into me and when I turned around,his friend was looking at me with a smile while Romeo didn't turn around and kept walking. Maybe it means something?

6 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-26 18:26 ID:2v//IKWD [Del]

>>5 No, his friend is a dick

7 Name: Rora-chan !IHa.eGTGzA : 2016-02-26 19:41 ID:Hh4SmdFZ [Del]

My advice: ditch the guy. Sounds like the kind of dude that would break your heart and wouldn't give two craps about it.

8 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-26 20:00 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

It more like he's a sociopath.

9 Name: Pineapple : 2016-02-28 20:20 ID:m3g3uN66 [Del]

>>6 >>7 >>8 Alright ty for the advice.

10 Name: Rouarra : 2016-03-01 03:47 ID:MiU9yskb [Del]

Everyone deserves at least one chance

11 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-01 04:28 ID:zC9WqVjN [Del]

>>10 not really...