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Melting Away (4)

1 Name: Miyuki : 2016-02-24 18:56 ID:MhLLd4mo [Del]

I recently had a falling out with someone who used to be one of my oldest friends. They got into a lot of bad stuff like underaged drinking and drug abuse. I tried to stay close to her and help her quit but she kept on shutting me down. As time went on she started to change. Last week she came to school with drugs. I then found out that she was dealing them on campus, so I reported her. People soon found out it was me and started calling me a snitch and a b****,because it wasn't that big a deal. She is currently on suspension and has a hearing coming up, but people have been saying that shes going to find out who snitched and that shes going to "crush" whoever it was. I'm not sure if what they're saying is true but I'm scared and I don't know what to do.

2 Name: Hiroki : 2016-02-24 19:38 ID:TewncsMa [Del]

Explain her why you did it, you were right anyway.

3 Name: FindMuck !MrEff/SKhc : 2016-02-24 21:03 ID:jJhfqLup [Del]

I'm sorry but you should've just said fuck it and left your friend alone. People don't change unless they're willing to, and doing something like this out of "concern" will certinly break your relationship with this person.

They made the decision to let drugs become a priority. I'm sorry you have to lose a friend that way but it most likely won't be the last time something like this happens. You have to let people make their own mistakes once they stop taking advice.

4 Name: Sharo : 2016-02-24 23:38 ID:zxCnlqoi [Del]

>>3 Good point, but were here so...
>>2 Any ways, hiroki is right. Tell her that what she did is something you cant turn a blind eye to and you did it because what she did would backfire massively if she went down that road.