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Dream of a dead lover (input wanted) (3)

1 Name: Transfusion : 2016-02-24 11:47 ID:LaGU4Bv6 [Del]

Hello fellow dollar members,

I have this problem. A few nights ago i woke up remembering someone I had forgotten for at least of 5 years. I remembered the first girl i truly fell in love with. I remembered almost every detail from her soft smile to her dazzling personality. She was the factor that made me realize that i wanted to grow up and get a job to take care of her and to protect her. I noticed that every girl i find attractive reminds me of her. However the last time I saw her she told me that she was repeating the grade. If i remembered correctly she was missing class because it was suspected that one of her parents was abusing her and they did their best to hide the marks so they kept her from school. I was pretty sure i saw on the news that she was killed by her dad four years ago and was doing jail time. Ergo I woke up in shivering after remembering all the details. So here are my questions for all of this;

What do i do to get over all of this? Should i try my best to forget everything again? What can i do to to come to terms with it. I dreadly miss her even though i know she is gone so how do i feel better about her death?

2 Name: jacob : 2016-02-24 12:08 ID:eGVIf8rM [Del]

Everyone experinces loss differently. My advice would be just to take some time to accept everything that has happened. Forcing yourself to forget about it never works. Its going to be hard and its going to take some time but it really is just a matter of time. Eventually you'll look back on the little things and smile. Don't live life with regret.

3 Name: JNRs : 2016-02-24 12:27 ID:A0je/Rez [Del]

Gat a new gf at least go make a fu%k buddy i had a pretty rough life to but i rebound pretty quick after thinking about for a little then leave the house thinking of one thing the thing i left the house to do regret has not much to do with remembering somethings will always try to haunt you even after making your peace make your peace it dont work just try my way