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Away to disappear (8)

1 Name: Lushen : 2016-02-23 19:04 ID:ZFi4bC7l [Del]

Does anyone know of a place where people can go. like teens that dont feel like they belong where they are or maybe want more out of life then what they have. A place where we can Learn new skills and become better at all kinds of things. or may be some type of student exchange program.

2 Name: Kujo Ryuji : 2016-02-24 09:50 ID:/Eglp4lb [Del]

Well, you have the internet, just need to know what you want to learn and search it
(Doesn't help i know, i'm sorry :V)

3 Name: LaughingWulfe : 2016-02-24 12:32 ID:a4u9etMm [Del]

That's kind of dangerous to be asking online, no matter where you ask. A preditor could be cruizin on here and respond to this. And It would be a shame if something bad happened. Be careful. I've almost made a mistake desperate to get out of a bad situation.I also don't think there is a place,not yet at least.

4 Name: Marx : 2016-02-24 12:59 ID:3tgtH0g+ [Del]

I dont know, I mean, it depends on the things, but most of them you can take online.

5 Name: L : 2016-02-24 16:45 ID:FeEpyjC9 [Del]

It sounds like you're looking for some camp? I know there are a lot of programs that are geared for teens to learn a new set of skills mostly pertaining to nature and such. Don't know any specifics, but if you look, there are a ton of opportunities for you to join some, but most are set on a specific "theme" like robotics, space/nasa (I saw a group of indian kids at a space center all wearing the same shirt with the name of the program they were in), band, etc. If you want to go out of the country, it's more specific on the kinds of programs. Like I know someone who went to china for the summer as an exchange student to learn languages and such.
If you want something casual, sign up at the local extended day program as a CIT or something lol. There's a lot you can do if you have a specific interest, it won't matter if you "don't belong" as long as you have a passion

6 Name: anonymous : 2016-02-24 18:09 ID:atKM3JXQ [Del]

>>1 Do you mean permanently? Do you mean something like a club or group where you still live where you are or do you want to leave and possibly not come back, or at least not for a while?
And what kind of things do you want to learn? Do you mean skills for a well paying job or are you after something different?
I just want to be clear of all the factors here so I don't get the wrong idea.

7 Name: Kokkuri-san : 2016-02-24 23:31 ID:0K7T9as/ [Del]

There are youth centres if you wanna go in there for a little while. They've got different names in different places but all have the same purpose.

8 Name: Lushen : 2016-02-24 23:36 ID:ZFi4bC7l [Del]

I want the opportunity to see the world and learn different things I want to get out of the house more. Its not like i want to leave my family forever but i want to explore the world. im looking for a type of exchange student.I want to learn skills that would help me defend my self and skills that can get me a good job.All i want is to see the world