Dollars BBS | Personal
















Rant About Rants (Well, Certain Types) (12)

1 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-23 02:03 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

Fuck it, I'm making a thread for this.

I am so fucking tired of people bitching to me about things that are worth less of my attention than the gnats fucking on my windowsill. (This isn't just about this site. It's like fake tits and herpes. It's everywhere.) I'm tired of hearing people say "That guy was rude to me. He's racist." I lived in redneckland, West Virginia for 15 years; I've seen harassment and racism and what you people complain about is royal treatment in comparison. I'm tired of the needy bitches telling their life story or taking pictures of themselves fake crying just to get attention. You fuckers need to get a life. I'm tired of the people who complain about others making more money than them. I've spent the last 3 yers working 3 jobs and eating nothing but $0.79 instant potatoes, $0.49 canned beans, and $0.95 macaroni from a dodgy-ass drug front grocery store to get through college and do you see me complaining? I was raised on cheap-ass generic goods by a single dad who worked in sewage, and do you see me complaining? I'm so fucking tired of people who think they're the smartest person alive telling people what is and isn't sociable when I've made it very clear when I'm not being sociable, it's because I don't give a fuck. Most of all, I am as tired as a fucking semi of that one guy on G+ sending me suicide notes every 4-5 fucking days and asking me the next day why I didn't respond.

I'm done spouting now. Let the defensive bitching begin.

2 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-23 03:32 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

The heck is instant potatoes?

3 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-23 03:49 ID:2v//IKWD [Del]

>>2 Same reaction

Take a pic will ya? We want to know

4 Name: NZPIEFACE : 2016-02-23 03:53 ID:2v//IKWD [Del]

Lemme rant as well

I'm starting to wonder why the fuck so many people post shit about HAVING TROUBLE FINDING FRIENDS. HOLY SHIT, YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY FUCKING THREADS THERE ARE THAT ARE JUST LIKE THIS, DO YOU GUYS NOT KNOW HOW TO FUCKING SCROLL DOWN? My god, don't you need to scroll down to make a thread? Then fucking read the other threads before hand.
JUST THINK ABOUT IT, do you think being on the internet posting about why you don't have friends will ever get you friends? Yes? You're fucked. No? Then get the fuck outa here.

5 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-23 05:52 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

I'll join in.
STOP RANTING ABOUT PEOPLE USING SWEAR WORDS FOR SAGING. just be thankful that they dutifully remind you what not to post in that board so that this doesn't become like 4chan where it's practically impossible to find anything.

6 Name: Yami !I35nGTC/bg : 2016-02-23 14:19 ID:o+7PNgle [Del]

Not to be rude or anything, but there is a thread about complaining and rants.


7 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-23 15:28 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

>>6 Every thread in personal has a duplicate these days. It's not like the other boards.

>>2, >>3, Just add water. I'm pretty sure it's 100% chemicals
:b :P :d

8 Name: Ryukagoka !45HNsCawgU : 2016-02-23 20:40 ID:XZpvf3GD [Del]

>>7 That's because in other threads, topics can be generalized without causing other people any trouble. For example, you can have a complete discussion about the horror genre in Lit. and it will cover almost anything. On Personal, however, you can't generalize everything. You can't just tell all suicidal people to just post under one thread, because it is insensitive. Also, everybody has different needs, so generalization is hardly something to be implemented in Personal.

9 Name: Robo !5lMucx4OC2 : 2016-02-23 22:07 ID:zjZQfo5L [Del]

And then there are threads like these, which CAN be stuck into one thread that would make more use than having many threads of the same thing.

10 Name: EpicKT !wf5JJ352J. : 2016-02-24 07:08 ID:qRKk0IdA [Del]

It's all a matter of perspective. What doesn't seem like much to you may be destroying somebody else. Hell, some people may think your situation is nothing either. If somebody grows up having a generally good life with very few problems, and then something bad happens, they may not know what to do. They feel lost and confused because something like that never happened before. To you, it seems like it's not a problem whatsoever, but for them, it's affecting them horribly. And it just so happens that an easy way to vent is through the internet. They can let their emotions out and get some support. It's a good thing.

But then some negative person like you comes around and invalidates what they're feeling. And guess what? That only makes them feel worse. It doesn't help. You think their problems are ridiculous, but that's not up to you to decide. Different situations affect people in different ways.

Also, you said we don't see you complaining about your life. But you just did. You're even complaining about other people venting. In my view, you are being a "needy bitch" all because you can't handle people having an outlet. You don't have to come on the personal board. You don't even have to listen to people rant outside of this site. You can avoid this. Yet, you're still allowed to complain. So does everyone else on this board. You need to learn how to respect that.

11 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-24 09:40 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

Shit's getting interesting. Let's all show off our rhetoric skills :3

One word: no. People have rights to make pity parties for themselves from time to time, I do too, but blaming it to someone else (family, friends, etc.), which a lot of threads in personal do, is just shitty. By affirming them unconditionally because you're afraid of breaking their oh-so-fragile hearts, the mentality's gonna stick in real life. It goes like thiss: "it's not my fault, it's theirs. Even the people on the internet agree with me."

So yes, we all need an outlet, but we also need some reminders that we tend to make our problems bigger than what they actually are. I'm not talking about ppl genuinely looking for advice, btw. They're cool.

Also, for people who've gone through much worse, it looks like they're asking for ambulances and rescue helis just from a cut finger, so yes, it's a matter of perspective, and yes, we're all biased. But harsh perspectives don't mean that they don't help at all. Otherwise parents wouldm't beat their children in the name of discipline. AS LONG AS YOU SAY CLEARLY WHAT THEY DID WRONG.

phew, that felt good.

12 Name: Marx : 2016-02-24 13:02 ID:3tgtH0g+ [Del]
