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some trans stuff (22)

1 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-22 12:16 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

my mom has been acting really weirdly wrt my gender identity lately. she still misgenders me out loud and in public but when we text or she's alone with me she's suddenly using the right pronouns and grammatical gender (my first language is heavily gendered, basically every word is either male or female and there is no neutral). but it's only some of the time and she still tells me she can't accept me and that i'm making a mistake, etc... i don't really understand what's going on i wish she would stop treating me right as a sort of "reward" for when i act as she wants me to and then misgender me and try to force me to discuss my identity with my entire family when she knows perfectly well i don't want to.

sorry for complaining about all this i'm just confused and a little depressed to be honest. i wish transphobia would disappear.

2 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-22 12:49 ID:yx10d5JV [Del]

Don't worry about your mom not being able to accept it. I won't mind if you label yourself as something. Besides, just be you. That's all that matters, right?

3 Name: Oriri : 2016-02-22 13:16 ID:a1DPgOQO [Del]

You've just got to hold on long enough to find your way into a loving environment. Not saying your mother doesn't love you, I don't know the situation.

But things get so much better when you can find family on your own terms. Just hold out for a while and remember that the internet can be awesome for people like us.

4 Name: Migaharo : 2016-02-22 14:13 ID:bLSKF+4W [Del]

You gotta be you, and not listen to what other people want you to be. Deep inside your mother still does love you, She is just blinded by her ideals but deep inside every parent they love them no matter what happens (ex. Han & Kilo)

5 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-22 14:46 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

thank you for the kind words, i guess it's just difficult to know that your own mother can't accept you for who really are. i'm a little overwhelmed lately, usually i can keep it off my mind, but it's been harder to do so.

6 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-22 16:34 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

"misgender". *sigh* This is an entire generation of pussies who freak out if you "use the wrong pronoun". All the black and latino Americans of 1940-1965 are facepalming in their graves right now.

7 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-22 17:18 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

this might seem absolutely incredible to you but racism and its history aren't here for you to use as a gotcha against trans people. you do know that transphobia kills every year, much like racism, right. it takes zero $ to keep your fake deep bigoted comments to yourself.

8 Name: Flora !EuaL9hSxts : 2016-02-22 18:38 ID:U1vmR4yI [Del]

Haha, >>6 got served. I see this kind of complaint all the time consider "new age problems" like focus doesn't change as time moves on? It's not any less of a problem because it's new you idiot. And bringing up decades ago when different problems where the focus? Really? Back then racism and women suffrage was considered people be whining too you see the irony here?

9 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-22 19:20 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

Ut's ok to be pissed, but can you stop calling every single thing bigotry?
It's rude to those really discriminated against.
And you changed your gender, ofc there's gonna be repulsion to some extent.

10 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-22 19:55 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

"those really discriminated against"

you mean.... minorities........ like, for example, idk... TRANS PEOPLE... i'm just saying... maybe i as a trans person might have a lil idea what it's like to be discriminated against... u know... just a thought

11 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-22 20:33 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

hahahah funny.
did your mother shove you in the toilet opposite to your gender? did she force you into conversion camps?
if so, you can shout discrimination and abuse all you want, but as far as verbal abuse goes, especially since you said your language is sexist, what's considered discrimination in terms of genders are way different than in America.
Hate her, shun her, do whatever, just don't call it for what it's not.

12 Name: Kayelin : 2016-02-22 20:44 ID:FRBtArtl [Del]

Neko I don't think you should be commenting if you're not here to help.

13 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-22 20:46 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

here's a another brilliant thought my guy: don't tell me how to feel about my own situation especially when you have no idea what it is. i came to vent here because i was feeling down and hoping to get some validating/reassuring words regarding my gender, not to have an asshole tell me what is or isn't discrimination. i know what transphobia is. i don't owe you any details about the abuse i've gone through at the hands of my mother or other people all my life. just because i don't give you a powerpoint presentation of my incest doesn't mean you get to assume anything about me and whether i am "really discriminated against".

with these words i'm going to stop responding to this thread since apparently people are as fucking awful as they always were and i'm not going to find anyone to help me feel better, at least not around here. cheers.

14 Name: Neko !UU8hnqLjMY : 2016-02-22 21:08 ID:veCcMGp7 [Del]

Sorry about that, now that I reread it I realized I was also venting.
But really, discrimination is not to be used against someone you share a deep personal bound with.
I'll shut up now.

15 Name: Sevn : 2016-02-22 23:02 ID:03Ers7Ix [Del]

I'm sorry to hear that. It's really tough to finally work up the courage to tell your mom that you're trans. I don't think anything is going to change your mom's mind. Maybe there's someone else you can talk to about it, maybe a really good friend or a relative that support the LGBT community.
If you want to talk to me:

I hope that it will get better.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2016-02-23 01:16 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

>>7: Maybe 3 people within first-world countries. More people die of chronic masturbation.

>>pretty much everyone else: It's not the fact that someone is transgendered that pisses me off. It's the way some of you are acting. "They called me a 'he' again! They're all just a bunch of homophobic whore-bitches! I'm gonna cut myself and complain to all my Facebook freinds!" You're not entitled to special treatment. You don't get a reward or verbal immunity for choosing to chop off your dick and put on a skirt. If you can't handle someone not giving enough of a fuck to care what pronoun they use to refer to you, then when the .01% of people that actually hate you start talking, you act as if it's worse than murder. And that's not an exaggeration; I know several people who actually believe it's worse than murder. Get over yourselves.

If you've ever read the things I tend to post around here, you'll see I'm not "attacking you for your lifestyle" or being "prejudice". I'm nice to the people that actually need it; to the people who just come here for compliments or agreement or any of the other crap needy teenagers spam on my twitter, I get as motherfucking salty as I fucking feel like it.

17 Name: Flora !EuaL9hSxts : 2016-02-23 07:12 ID:U1vmR4yI [Del]

>>16 Hi mr edgy, can you teach me to be as rude as you?

18 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-23 07:53 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

>>16 i love how you write an entire paragraph of textbook hate speech and then feel the need to write "i'm not prejudiced" in conclusion. just own up to your transphobia my dude. at this point there's no use trying to hide it. don't worry, outside the closet is pretty much the same as inside the closet for transphobes.

do you really feel so threatened by me trying to ask for some reassurance? because it sounds like it. i really don't see the reason why you chose to reply to this thead in the first place. boo, the mean trangendered (cringe) is feeling down, better kick them to prove my superiority. show me that edge™ friendo.

>>15 thank you so much for the links. i really appreciate it.

19 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-23 15:37 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

>>18 did you even fucking read what I posted? "It's not the fact that someone is transgendered that pisses me off. It's the way some of you are acting." I'm equally as pissed about threads like this as I am of every other compliment-seeker or needy bitch on the internet. I have plenty of gay and trans friends and do you know what makes them different from you? If someone gives them shit they ignore it or reply with a calm "fuck off". They don't go crying about it to everyone around them. This is how non-needy people act. You should try it sometime.

20 Name: a_ri : 2016-02-23 15:45 ID:+a7lEs2H [Del]

>>19 funny how you're the one literally having a fit over this thread while i'm actually calmly telling you to fuck off. yawns

21 Name: KuroNegati : 2016-02-23 15:52 ID:0kYT31yc [Del]

>>20 Ok. Obnoxious Google+ troll confirmed. Goodbye and fuck you.

22 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-23 19:30 ID:WpVeBG9O [Del]

Don't know why anyone is making a big deal out of this. We should just drop this and move on. Even if everyone doesn't agree on this, we should just move on from this.