Dollars BBS | Personal
















My Life (3)

1 Name: Siena : 2016-02-21 21:15 ID:UBHzFs/m [Del]

A lot has been going on. My family and I just kicked out of our present house and our landlord is being a jerk about it. On top of that my mom is dealing with a lot of stress and I think she maybe a little depressed. My sister has't helped either. Whenever she doesn't get her way she says her life is so unfair and runs off to her friends house. Now she's moving in with our grandparents. She's a teenager and thinks that she's 21 or something because she feels she can do whatever she wants and not think about how it will affect other people. It's really inconsiderate. Especially to my mom. She sprung this whole "Well I am moving out cuz I can't stand you" right in the middle of a move. We aren't very wealthy and we don't know where we are gonna go and we have to be out by the end of the month. It was my sister's sweet sixteen b-day family party yesterday and my older sister, who I am gonna call X came down to see her. My other sister I am gonna call her Y was being all bitchy when we were trying to do something nice for her. She can really be super mean and inconsiderate. And then there is my dad who is moving back in with our grandparents to start to recover from his drinking problem. And Y being there will make things even more difficult because as a family we agreed he couldn't drive us anywhere because recently he got drunk with me and Y in the car and almost killed us. I love my dad but he needs to heal. I just wish I could do something because I am the youngest and I feel there is nothing I can do to help anyone in this situation. I know this isn't as bad as what other people I am sure are doing through, but if someone could shed some light on the subject I would dearly appreciate it. Thanks for letting me vent.

2 Name: cooldud3 : 2016-02-21 21:28 ID:vrT6h1I1 [Del]

I know what its like to go through family struggles. My parens have been divorced for years. All you need to do is carry on, no matter how rough life can get. If you want to tell your parents whats bothering you, that may also be a good idea to do.

3 Name: Sean : 2016-02-22 16:38 ID:yhn35inv [Del]

look, if you want to help you can try to:
A: Get your family to a nice positive church (even if you don't believe in god a good positive place can have a MAJOR impact)
B: Help around the house doing chores like vacumeing,mopping ect
C: just stay positive and hope it will rub off on them
D: if you need some more advice you can allways e-mail me (if you feel comfortable doing so)